I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day weekend! We had Emma Kate’s birthday party on Saturday, but more on that later this week. Today I wanted to talk about my September goals, and how I did in August. First, let’s look back at last month:
1.) Finish that darn upstairs closet: A- I still have a couple of shelves to clean out but the bulk of it is done!
2.) Stick to my training schedule: C- I was on the struggle bus with this one in August. I have been doing really well with my bootcamp workouts and even did a 7 mile long run last weekend, but I have only been running one other time during the week, and it’s very short mileage or sprints. I may not do the October half I had planned on doing because I just don’t feel ready, and we have a LOT going on right now.
September goals:
1.) Stick to what I have been doing: By this I mean going to bootcamp and watching what I eat. I am finally seeing results on the scale and how my clothes fit, and I just want to stay focused and not fall back into my old ways.
2.) Make cupcakes for Emma Kate’s birthday: I know this seems small, but yall I’m not baker, and I want to bring a treat to her school for her birthday. I‘m putting it here to hold me accountable.
3.) Start walking Bella again: It’s been way too hot to walk the dog here, even early in the morning. I’m hoping now that we are into September we will have cooler morning or evenings and I can get in some walks with her. Thankfully she is tiny so running around the house is exercise for her, and she loves to sit in the backyard, too.
If you would like a way to help you stay accountable to your monthly goals, you can get a set of my free fitness and goal tracking printables here. Good luck!
QOTD: Do you have any September goals? Is it hot where you live?

I JUST told Madalynn today that we can get back to walking/running when it cools off. I sure hope fall weather is around the corner! Great job with your goals this month! 🙂
I am very mindful of the heat when I walk my dog as well! It’s been so hot here that I even have to limit her time in the pool because she gets exhausted easily. She thinks she’s still a young pup but she is not!! Good luck with those cupcakes!