I have been blogging for a long time now, and have had the privilege of working with a lot of what people call "big brands." Like many bloggers, I have a list--yes a literal physical LIST of "dream brands" that I have wanted to work with. As my blog has evolved, so has my special list, and I have ...
The Finish Line You Won’t Hear About
I had such an amazing time in California for the ASICS LA Marathon. When I think back over the whole weekend, I had the privilege of doing some pretty cool stuff. However, my absolute favorite part of the weekend is a part that you won’t heat about from your friends, or see in the newspaper. It’s ...
Running Skirts Sales Summit Day 2
Mmooorrrrnnniiinnnggg! catching up from the weekend? Running Skirts Sales Summit The Disney Dream part 1 Happy Father’s Day 2011 I hope everyone had a fab weekend! I will have pictures from Father’s Day up tomorrow. We had a great time at my parents house. My dad liked his gifts. Ok, ...
California Fun Part 2
Ok so we left off after a fun filled night at downtown Disney in California. Oh wait, did you miss part one? check it out HERE. Ok, moving on. So Sunday the weather was equally beautiful. I woke up wide awake at 6:00, even got up and did some things on the computer and called Bobby. Then I ...
California Fun
It’s MONDAY! not just any Monday, but Monday the 13th which means one month from the best day of the year, my birthday!!! wow! Here is a quick weekend recap in case you were away: Friday I posted the beginning of our Disney trip Saturday, I announced I was going to Healthy Living Summit and ...
Time Zone Madness
Hello from Houston! Can I just say I am EXHAUSTED! I had a FABULOUS time in California, but I am ready to be home with my family and out of airports, train stations, and cars. My body is so confused on what time it is, should be, etc. This morning the sales reps enjoyed a relaxing breakfast ...