I am dubbing today travel Thursday! I leave for Disney for my mom’s 60th birthday extravaganza in EIGHT DAYS. We won’t technically be in Disney for nine days, but I’m still totally excited. So today I wanted to share about one of Disney’s Vacation Club resorts, Saratoga Springs. A lot of ...
Photo Dump Fall 2015
My phone has yet again given me the evil eye. You know, when it tells you that you are out of storage space on it? Time to dump some photos! I thought it would be fun to share some that didn’t make it onto the blog or on social media. I love Operation Christmas Child, and decided to put a display ...
Emma Kate: Month 12
Well, here we are. It seems so surreal that a year ago yesterday I gave birth! Looking at Emma Kate now, I can’t believe she was ever tiny enough to be in my belly. She’s such a sweet happy girl, and this year has been quite the ride! There were times when I never thought I would make it ...
Emma Kate’s First Birthday Party
Over the weekend, we had friends and family come into town to celebrate Emma Kate’s first birthday! She officially won’t be one until Thursday though. It was a very hot day which was a bummer because I was hoping we could hang out in the backyard but no such luck. Bobby grilled boudin in ...
Emma Kate: Month 11
WOW. My little baby is less than one month away from being a big girl. I’m not ready! This has been the quickest year of my life, I really have no idea where it went. We are in the thick of party planning for next month, how is this possible?!? Emma Kate looks and acts so grown up, and her ...
Beach Trip 2015: Day 2
If you missed the recap of our first day you can check it out here. The next morning was Monday, and I was super excited about breakfast at the Inn. Yall, I wait all year for this delicious all you can eat wonderful spread. Made to order omelets and waffles, grits, biscuits and gravy, ...