Good morning! I am actually away/busy this weekend, but here is something fun I filmed for you yesterday before the craziness started. I decided due to some coaxing from some blends to do some more vlogs. I have some great ideas for some fun and action packed ones for when I am out of the ...
Get Healthy, Starting NOW!
As a lot of you know I am a FitFluential Ambassador. I was so excited to be chosen back when it all began, and things are really starting to move now and I couldn’t be more excited! We were asked to share 7 steps or tips we could give to someone who wanted to start being healthy, right now. ...
FitFluential and more Disney
Fun announcement today! I was selected as one of FitFluentials ambassadors! Check out the page, and my bio HERE. I am so honored to be one of the ones chosen! If you missed my “audition” blog post, you can check that out HERE. I am excited for whatever is in store for me with ...
Fitfluential Ambassador
Hiya! I am so excited to share with you why I think I should be considered for Fitfluentials ambassador program for 2011! When I first heard about this my mind started racing, thinking of all the things I wanted to share about my passion for fitness, health, and representing the SOUTH! (Which just ...