The past few years, I have chosen a word for the year, something I pray about that I need to focus on for the 365 days ahead. Last year, my word came to me actually before the end of the year, but this year was a little harder. I had an idea for a word that popped into my head, but the word didn't ...
A Bad Day and the Story of Job
Have you ever had one of those blah days where it wasn't just one big thing that was stressing you out, but instead lots of little things? But you don't want to tell anyone because when you mention all those "little things" you don't want to sound like you are complaining? Yeah, I had one of those ...
Can you be Blessed Even When Suffering?
A lot of people don't realize that blessings and suffering are not mutually exclusive. You can most definitely be blessed even in the midst of pain, trials, and suffering. In this video, I discuss some personal trials in my life and why now I am SO glad they happened, how they were a blessing in ...
Praying the “Anything” Prayer for God’s Will
Being strong enough to tell God you want to be used in ANY way, whatever He deems necessary or right, can be a tough prayer to pray. It means getting out of our comfort zone, stepping into the unknown, and surrounding your preconceived notions about what your life should look like. This is by no ...
God’s Love and Our Attitude Towards Blessings
Do you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? Do you struggle with feeling like you have to "be good" in order to be blessed by God, or that if you AREN'T "good" you will never be enough? In this video I speak about being an enneagram type 3, feeling like I must do good to be loved, and ...
Does God Care About the Small Stuff?
People often think that they are "bothering" God when they ask for or pray about small things. However, the truth is, God cares about everything you do! Check out my YouTube video for more plus two real-life examples of how God has answered my seemingly small requests. Do you have any examples ...