You hear a lot of people talking about bucket lists. They may include things like skydiving, visit a certain country, learn a foreign language, or take a painting class. My bucket list seems to revolve around a lot of fitness related activities, so why not have one JUST for health and ...
hood to coast
Rouge Orleans
A while back you may remember me doing a review for the Hood to Coast Movie. I was so intrigued with the whole relay idea, and when I found out there was one that went 126 miles from Baton Rouge LA to New Orleans, I knew I had to run. I loosely formed a team, but we never could get it ...
Hood to Coast Movie
Awhile back, I was contacted and asked to review the Hood to Coast movie. I have of course heard of Hood to Coast from people who have run it, seen the film, etc. I did not get a chance to see it in theaters so I was excited to have this opportunity. Not going to lie, I knew the BASIC idea ...