Confession: I have eaten way more frozen yogurt in the past two weeks than any one person should eat. But it’s blackberry greek with fruit, nuts, and granola! Confession: I tend to over commit and then can’t do my best work because I am rushed. Confession: I watched all the ...
Princess Time
Good morning! I am in a fabulous mood, I leave for my parents today, then early tomorrow morning for DISNEY! I can’t believe it’s finally here. Karen and I have been planning this for a year. I finally got my schedule from run Disney, so I thought I would share with you some of the fun ...
A Friends Thanksgiving
Yesterday, I may or may not have spent several hours on the couch watching TBS, they were airing all the FRIENDS Thanksgiving episodes, and I have to say, they are my favorites by far…and I have every single one memorized. You know a TV show is really funny when you are sitting home by ...