Good morning! It was a fun, busy, and chilly weekend down south. If you are catching up on posts, check out the latest on RWS: Get Healthy Starting NOW! As a FitFluential ambassador, we were asked to give 7 things you can do to get healthy starting now! Childhood Obesity Vlog: Video of me ...
working out
Sunday Randoms
Hello friends! I am actually typing this post on Friday morning for Sunday (today now, I guess) so I hope by time this is posted you will have all had a fabulous weekend! More on mine later. This morning…er…I mean Friday morning, our new neighborhood YMCA FINALLY opened! Just in the nick of ...
Weight Room Woes
Well, hello, Monday….so we meet again! Today is a “catch up” day for me after having been gone all last week, so why don’t you play catch up as well, hhmm? Oh, Look, More Corn! Finally Home Yesterday, we went to church and I wore this new comfy dress I got at the beach: Then we went to ...
Weekend Laziness and the Judgment Zone
Hello everyone! We have been so lazy this weekend! Yesterday we got to meet our TNT coaches and some of the team members for brunch, and had a great time, everyone seems really nice! I am hoping to get my letter finished this week so hopefully we can get some donations in the mail. After that, ...
Working Muscles
It’s not secret I have a VERY short attention span. Running three days in a row is no good for me. I get bored, overworked, and burnt out. This poses a problem since I am trying to tone and burn as quickly as possible before the cruise. (Once again for clarity sake, I do not think I need to lose ...