If you have known me for any length of time, you know I am a huge football fan. More specifically, the “Bayou Bengals” LSU Tigers, and the “WHO DAT” New Orleans Saints. Growing up in South Louisiana, going to many Saints games, it is just in my blood. Through thick and thin, bags covering our heads, to super bowl champs, I love football. On Sunday, my husband knows better than to to try carry on a conversation with me unless it’s in between the late game and the Sunday night game. It is THAT bad. We rush home from church to catch kickoff, and I refused to go to a Super bowl party when the Saints won 2 years ago because I didn’t want anyone to talk to me, so I could focus on the game. Awful, right? I think I was supposed to be a boy. But I don’t like mud. yuck.
Saturday is all about college Game Day and afternoon naps. There is just something about taking a nap with football on in the background. Oh, and There is ALWAYS someone playing you can cheer for (GO SEC!) When I am in Disney world and one of my teams is playing, you bet I will LEAVE whatever park I am in to go watch the game. On our honeymoon, we watched the Saints in the playoffs with Wishes fireworks going on outside our window. Best. night. ever.
You can bet when I pack my suitcase for my upcoming trip it will have Saints Jerseys and LSU t-shirts for game day, and the days after. I find it hilarious that I like football more than my husband, and he played the dang sport for like 10 years! So you can bet when I found this clip from Ellen, that I just HAD to share it with you guys. I have watched it three times and it puts me into hysterical laughing fits every time.
HILARIOUS! I am so excited to see where the Saints will go this year, and how LSU will do missing our starting quarterback, eekk! Doing ok so far! Check out these past posts I have done on the Saints to see how deep my obsession goes:
Football? Football!
Superbowl Baby!
Drew Brees is my Hero
‘Aints No More!
I promise we are normal…right…
Bobby refers to Drew Brees as my boyfriend. Seriously. He will ask “so what time does your boyfriend play today?” and I know exactly what he means. I did a review on his book Coming Back Stronger also. I wrote more posts about the Saints, but those are the best ones. Football is one of the reasons I just love fall. Now if only the weather would drop below 90 degrees…
Last night Bobby and I had to deal with some personal issues I can’t really talk about, so we were to drained to go to the gym so we took the pups on a nice long walk instead. So what if I am taking it easy this week. I could use a good cut back week.
Please please please donate to my raffle! remember I will have 2 winners, all proceeds go to cancer research, and only $5 to enter, plus you can get bonus entries once you donate! Go to my raffle page!
QOTD: Do you prefer college football or pro? What team are you cheering for this year? Any other crazy fans out there like me?

I haven’t cared about football since college (University of Maryland!) and even that, I went for the social aspect not the game. But suddenly this year, I’ve started wishing to become a football fan if only for the camaraderie and team spirit. Yea, it’s still not about the sports. 😉
haha! the social aspect is good, too!
I’m with you on the love of football…but you’re cheering for the wrong conference (j/k – I try not to “go there” with friends – just some good natured ribbing). Sounds like you’re as fanatical about LSU as I am about Texas! Have you seen the Disney LSU shirts? I have one of the Longhorn Mickey ones and love it! We’re actually headed to L.A. tomorrow for the UT v. UCLA game on Saturday then going to DL on Sunday – one guess what I’ wearing Sunday! :o)
Loving football season so far – it’s my favorite time of year!
yes I have, I want one of those shirts! have FUN going to DL!
LOVE LOVE LOVE football! My husband (who also played – just HS tho) tells his friends that if they want to know anything about NCAA or NFL ball or chat about football, to talk to me 😉
I’m a Bengals (WHO DEY! HAHA) and Ohio State fan (hangs head in shame – sorta. I’m an alumni, so I still love ’em!) and my favorite season is football season! 🙂
it baffles me that he played all those years but doesn’t really seem to care to watch much now!
Yay football! You well know that I feel the same way as you, and Jeff is the same as Bobby haha. We’re going to the Clemson/Auburn game this weekend, but of course, it will not be nearly as entertaining as my Giants. Though I have a bad feeling about them this year anyway 🙁
oh I loathe auburn…
My husband is a crazy fan like you, only his team is Florida State. big game this weekend vs. Oklahoma!! Our fall Saturday’s are 100% scheduled around game time. As for pro football–it’s an “every game is important to watch” thing at our house since he plays fantasy football. I ask him about his players and pay attention enough so that I at least sound intelligent when I talk about the game, but I wouldn’t schedule my weekend around kickoff. But I do love going to a college football game! there is just something about the rush that comes from being in the stands with 80,000 other people cheering for your boys!
haha yes I know all about that game! when we drive to disney we stop halfway in Tallahassee and I went to book a hotel monday and everything was BOOKED! lol!
Sorry…I’m a University of Michigan fan…Go Blue! As for NFL, I just can’t watch it. College football is so much better. I do have a slight obsession with Texas too – but I think it’s because of Bevo 😉
you can’t watch NFL at all? why not?! I would die without it I think lol!
Well, my home state team is the Lions – and they haven’t exactly had stellar seasons recently 😉 I was a fan of the Colts when Tony Dungy coached them to a Super Bowl win – and sort of have a crush on Peyton Manning. Just maybe. But there’s something about college football that makes it so much more exciting than NFL…
Yay, football! Between high school games on Friday night, college on Saturday (Go, Army! Go, BC!) and pro (usually) on Sunday (GO, BILLS!!!), it’s the only time I actually sit still to watch tv (well, not counting March Madness – Go, Providence!). From my team choices, you can tell I’m not a southerner! LOL. The loudest fans last Friday night were the team moms. Yay, us!!
haha go moms!
OMG that Ellen clip was hilarious!!! I love Ellen! I like football but I don’t really have a “team”. Houston has the Texans and we all know how good they are. My college was kinda small and I’m not even sure if we had a football team.
the Texans aren’t doing so bad so far this year!
Hey! I just came across your blog! I’m a New Orleans girl myself. I was raised to love the Saints, and I still do. In college I went to LSU … that’s where I fell in love with LSU football. College football, in particular SEC football is my favorite sport … EVER.
Oh, and since it’s game day and all … Geaux Tigers!!
awesome!!! I didn’t go to LSU but my sister did, but we have been huge fans long before that of course. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
Go Pats! The New England Patriots are my team! Wes Welker is my favorite player. There is nothing like the beautiful aromas of Fall along with the sounds of whistles blowing in the background. Gotta love it!
I love football!! And I agree – taking a nap with football on in the background is the best! I’m a University of Washington fan (Go Dawgs!) and a Seahawks fan, although this year isn’t shaping up to be our best. I’m a new Titans fan with their acquisition of both Jake Locker (love!!) and Matt Hasselbeck.
Football College! I don’t really like to watch football with other girls, they ask too many questions! I tell people if you have questions or need to talk, do it during time-outs, half-time, or when the game is over!
haha yes there are plenty of commercials for talking.
I love football season its one of my favorite times of year, im definitely more into college football though!
I’m more of a football fan than my husband as well. While I like the Saints, I LOVE me some SEC football. In particular LSU! GEAUX TIGERS! So glad to hear I’m not the only girl out there who hates going to someone elses house to watch a game, because I don’t want people trying to talk to me or distracting me from the game…I just want to be able to pay attention to the game!
ahaha glad I’m not the only one!
our tigers had me biting my finger nails on Thursday night. I think that Lee is going to turn out okay! Geaux Tigers!!
I know I was nervous about him but he’s doing well!