Hello friends! I’m bbbbaaaccckkk! After five LONG days with no internet other than my Galaxy S, I am very happy to report we have been re-plugged into the world! We still won’t have DIRECTV till Monday afternoon, but I am ok with that. A big THANK YOU to my awesome loyal followers. ‘Yall are amazing for sticking with me through this past week and being so encouraging. I love ‘yall!
So, I am sure you are very anxious to hear my moving story, so here we go! If you will remember, we were supposed to move in TWO weekends ago. We got pushed back once because the bank wasn’t ready, and then we got pushed back AGAIN because our builders wouldn’t play nice and let us move in on a technicality. As stated before, the weather the weekend we were supposed to move was BEAUTIFUL. 70 degrees and sunny. Right then, I stated “it’s going to rain next weekend when we move.” Well, I called it! But not only did it rain, it flooded!!! But first, let’s back up to last Friday.
I drove my car loaded down with stuff that had been in it for TWO WEEKS to the new house. The plan was to meet him at the house (he took off a half day from work) unload our cars, leave mine in the garage and take Bobby’s up to our old house. I made it to the house without causing a car accident (I couldn’t see out any windows except the front!) and was still in disbelief it was finally, FINALLY ours. I went around taking a few pictures while Bobby unloaded into the garage. Aren’t I nice?
I tried to take pictures you haven’t seen 100 times. I wanted to take what I could knowing it would never be this empty again!
This is standing at the back door (not the garage door.) To the right is the guest bath, and you can see the hallway on the left that goes into the rest of the house. the garage door and laundry room are around the wall on the left. Linen closet straight ahead.
We had to hurry, because we wanted to make it back up to town (3 hour drive) in time to go get Bobby a haircut and go see our chiropractor. After a boring drive we made it about 5:00. We went to dinner at my favorite Mexican place, and then had to deal with some..er…family issues. Mind you we still have not been home yet. We finally get home at 8:30, and the mover are supposed to come between 7:00 and 7:30. I set my alarm for 5:45 so I wouldn’t feel rushed. We still had to do a few things like load up the car with things we didn’t want the movers to touch, unhook the washer and dryer, etc.
Here is my “it’s pouring rain but I am trying to be positive” face.
The movers started loading, and it was raining on and off.
As soon as the truck pulled up, I said “our stuff is not all going to fit in there.” Mind you, a man had come the weekend before and saw EVERYTHING we owned. We also told him we had to make a stop to pick up a big desk, and that between now and then we would take a couple of loads of heavy boxes down in our cars. Based on that, he gave us an estimate…..but I am getting ahead of myself. Back to moving. So there were 4 guys in my house wrapping furniture, moving it out, I was so thankful my parents had the dogs, they would be going crazy! After an hour or so, we got really hungry, so I offered to go to Chic-Fil-A and get us breakfast. I even got some chicken biscuits for the movers.
What a yucky day, right? So As I watched the truck fill up, and saw all the furniture that still had to go, I got more and more nervous. Finally, the head mover tells me it’s not all going to fit. No crap Sherlock. Not our fault. Yall knew how much stuff we had! I was seriously like “are you KIDDING ME! what next? what else can go wrong!” Heh. Probably shouldn’t have said that…. Since our price was done by weight, the guy agreed to come back tomorrow and pick up the rest and bring it the three hours to us. That’s fine, but I was NOT coming back with them. We decided to move everything into the garage and give him our garage door opener so they could come back, have access to the garage only, and load it up. I took a few pictures of my strangely empty house and tried not to get sentimental. Luckily we were way to busy for me to have a chance to be sad. Our first house was so good to us, and we have so many great memories!
After a quick stop to pick up the desk at Bobby’s dad’s house (which we had already sold, the new owners were kind enough to let us keep it there) we were on our way. The movers had to go get weighed, so they said they would just meet us at the new house.
Ok I have to do a few things and then get on a conference call for work, so I will post the rest of the story tomorrow!!! Thanks for following along with me! I am so happy to be back!
Oh, also, I have been doing pretty good with workouts. After unloading Saturday and Sunday I was so sore, it was worse than after the marathon! That definitely counts as a workout! Wednesday Bobby and I ran two miles, then yesterday we ran 2.5 miles. Not fabulous but it felt good to get out and go, and we ran out of daylight so we had to quit.
QOTD: Do you have any moving stories? share!

Sounds like you had a crazy time moving. At least now you are all moved in and getting organized!
Oh my. I do not want to make a big move…sounds like you had a real headache! BUT, you are moved in now, right?!
we are in the house but still unpacking boxes!
So happy that you are back! I can’t wait to read the rest of the story! Just remember, God never gives you more than you can handle….you will make it through this! Moving is VERY hard….I am still unpacking boxes from 1 1/2 years ago!
you are so right, but its so hard to remember that sometimes!
I don’t think anyone ever had a good story with movers! Sorry it was such a pain.
WOW! I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the story. btw, i love your washer and dryer! I have never moved really, iI’ve moved from apt to apt 4 times while living in Boston but I’ve never moved ALL of my things from one place to another! wow, sounds so stressful. I can’t wait to see more pics of the new house! Stop thinking you are boring us, we love it! Bring ont he pictures, whether we’ve seen them before or not! 🙂
it is so stressful. I dont want to move again for a long time!
Congrats on finally getting moved! Don’t worry, this is one follower who hasn’t forgotten you!
thanks so much 🙂
So happy to hear you are moved in and started the fun process of decorating and organizing! Just chalk it up to experience 🙂
Your new house is gorgeous! Happy to hear that everything worked out okay after the craziness. Enjoy the new place.
ps – i love your washer and dryer!
oh I love them to. they make me smile!
What a crazy weekend! Glad y’all made it and everything turned out ok! :0)
Moving…*shudders*… Sounds like it’s been quite a hassle for you guys! I hope the rest of the unpacking and settling down process goes quickly and smoothly!
The house is gorgeous! Love it!
I LOVE your new house esp the kitchen, but your experience definitely makes me not want to move!