If you’re going to work as efficiently as possible, then you need to have the right tech setup. If you’ve got an old or outdated computer or one that runs slowly, then you’ll be wasting too much time just waiting for it to kick into gear for the day. That’s time that you could have been spending moving your business or career forward, knocking out emails, or getting finished early for the day. If your computer is old, then you’ll probably need to replace it. But what if it’s not all that old, yet it’s running slowly? (I have had this happen so many times!) There are some things that you can do thankfully! Let’s take a look at a few tried and tested methods below.

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Move to the Cloud
The more space you have on your computer, the quicker it will be able to run. Think of it as trying to run through a room that is cluttered with furniture and clothes and boxes, versus trying to run through a room that was clean, clear, and spacious. You’d find that the latter would be much easier! Of course, it’s not as if you’re going to delete all of your files. But good news: you don’t need to! You can transfer all your files to an external hard drive, or put them in the cloud — both of these options will also give peace of mind that your files will be safe even if something happens to your computer.
Regular Maintenance
Your computer most likely has all the capabilities needed to help you deliver your best work. However, you will need to play your part too, and that means staying on top of the regular maintenance tasks that will help to keep it running as quickly as possible. One reason why devices run slowly is that the cache has not been cleared in some time, so make sure you’re doing it. If you don’t know how to do it, then take a look at https://setapp.com/how-to/clear-cache-on-mac. Maintenance will also mean ensuring your computer’s software is kept up to date. It can be a little frustrating to wait for a system update, but it doesn’t take too long, and you’ll feel the effects when you turn it back on which will be well worth the time spent on the update!
Deleted Unused Applications
If you’ve been using your computer for some time, then the chances are that you have plenty of applications downloaded. But here’s the thing: are these applications as useful as they once were? Do you still need them? If not, then it could be time to uninstall them. Applications can take up a lot of space! If you do need them on occasion, then it’s at least a good idea to stop them from launching automatically when the computer is turned on. Things will move a lot quicker when you don’t have unnecessary applications running in the background.
Boost the Ram
Finally, take a look at boosting the ram of your computer. This does require unscrewing the back, (I know it seems scary!) and isn’t possible on all machines (MacBook Airs, for example), but if you can, then it’s pretty straightforward. And when you’re finished, you’ll find that things run a lot faster. Good luck and happy working!