Good morning! I was hoping to have my half marathon race recap up today, but I am having some issues with the professional photos and I am still waiting on answers. I haven’t forgotten, don’t worry! Today I wanted to talk about trying new things.
I was worried about running Goofy…really worried. I had been injured, didn’t train properly, and wasn’t sure I was going to finish in one piece. Not only did I finish, I knocked it out of the park, and I am SO proud of me and Bobby. It really helped me to restore my faith in myself, and made me remember that I can accomplish my goals, even if it takes a little longer than anticipated. It got me thinking about doing something I have never done before, something I thought I could never do, that I want to do in 2013.
I have never been a huge fan of fitness classes, not sure why. I prefer to workout whenever I get a chance, and I have a crazy schedule so it’s hard to predict. I easily get bored, and sometimes get intimidated by trying new things, especially when I feel like everyone in the class already knows what they are doing. I was brave and did some yoga classes last year, but it was in my neighborhood with some friends so it wasn’t too intimidating. However, some new classes are starting up…ones I have NEVER done, and honestly it scares me to try something new like that. SO, I have decided to just do it. To make the time, get over it, and dive right in. I’m not sure what I will do first, but I am going to make an effort. Here is how:
1.) Make the time. Whether I have to schedule it into my calendar or set an alarm on my phone, I am going to make the time.
2.) Get over my fear. I am going to mentally make sure I am prepared, stand in the back, and just try my best. I know it may seem SO silly, but I have always struggled with this. I get scared in the beginning, then after awhile realize what the heck I was so worried about? So I just need to mentally get over that first time.
3.) Remind myself it will make me a more fit person. I have been running, and running, and running, which I love, but I want to be much more well rounded and in shape than just running shape. This is a big motivator for me.
4.) Talk to other who have taken the classes. Talking to friends with first hand experience is very helpful, and gets me even excited about trying something new. If they can do it, so can I!
I will let you know how it goes!
*Do you want to win fitmixer product? Just follow this link and tell them something new you want to try in 2013 (don’t forget to mention Running With Sass!)
QOTD: No questions today, just go enter the giveaway! You can always let me know you did it.

Good luck, can’t wait to hear how they go! I feel the same way, I am SO intimidated to try new classes (especially by myself) but I just bought a Groupon for a pretty cool looking bootcamp class so I’m going to have to get over it and get my butt in there!
So excited for you and your outlook on life right now. AWESOME job with Goofy. I’ve always wanted to do the fitmixer bootcamp, but I am painfully frugal and I’d be afraid if I spent the money that I would fall out of practice and lose out. Eek!
thanks! the bootcamp looks amazing!