We got home from our trip on Monday, and I desperately needed to workout (hello, cruise food!) So we went to the gym that afternoon. I eased back in, then completely shocked my body with a long run on Wednesday!
This counts as working out, yes?
It has been an interesting week, and Iβm not sure if my long run made me feel more or less confident about running 4 races in 4 days next month. Crossing my fingers and hoping my body behaves!
Sunday: rest
Monday: 30 minutes stationary bike, legs
Tuesday: 20 minutes elliptical, upper body weights and abs
Wednesday: 16 mile treadmill run (yes, you read that correctly)
Thursday: rest
Friday: 45 minutes stationary bike, upper body weights and abs
Saturday: 4 mile run
Iβm hoping I will get a few workouts in next week even though we will be with family. I need to run an 8-10 miler as I tape for marathon weekend. Hope everyone has a great week!
QOTD: Does taper madness get to you?

Taper does not bug me. I look at a training plan very analytically, very logically. Sort of like reading instructions or a recipe. If that is what it says to do, then that is what I do. LOL!! Taper is part of a good, natural, logical recipe for finishing your race. And it works. I wish you all well who are doing Disney Marathon Weekend – ESPECIALLY you first timers!!! Whether this will be your first 5K, or first Marathon – go git sum!!!! Above all else, have fun!!
16 miles on the treadmill??? Girl! You are amazing! I can barely do 3 miles on a treadmill! Way to go! I know you’ll be ready for Dopey!
I am so impressed by your milage! I don’t run that far. No tapering for me… not sure I could do a marathon even with all that training.
Right on girlie – AH THAT CRUISE!!
16 miles on the treadmill?! Dedication. My TM threshold is about 8 miles before I start getting bored and restless!
Good Lord…. 16 miles on a treadmill! You are a Saint!
Hhaha had to do it!