Hey guys! Last week was quite the whirlwind, and to say it was stressful would be an understatement. We don’t actually have the Orange Leaf just yet but very very soon. It has been kind of a nightmare week but hopefully the worst is behind us. I just wanted to give you a little peek inside of what we were up to all week.
Monday morning we dropped Emma Kate off at daycare at 7:00 and then drove straight to Oklahoma. We arrived at 5:30 and made it to Orange Leaf corporate headquarters.
Tuesday morning we signed some papers, and had a full day of classroom and hands on training. But not before a quick run on the treadmill. We were going to run outside but we stepped out and it was raining. Since we have not seen rain since July 4th, we kind of forgot it existed.
Wednesday morning we were up bright and early to open a store ourselves and work. We learned a ton, it was information overload. Everyone was super nice though, and we really enjoyed our training. We also closed the store Wednesday night so we got back to our hotel around 11:30.
Thursday we got to do something pretty cool. Kevin Durant hosts a series of basketball camps at OU, and we got to go help hand out frozen yogurt to the kids at camp. Kevin Durant is a giant. That is all.
We wrapped up our training Thursday afternoon and Bobby and I were exhausted. We went out to dinner and hung out at the hotel before calling it an early night. Friday morning we ran on the treadmills again before heading out of town.
We drove ALL DAY (Dallas traffic is quite the nightmare on a Friday) and got home at 9:30 that night. We crashed pretty soon afterwards, and then were up early to drive to the gulf coast for Bobby’s best friends wedding. (My mom had taken the dog and baby back with her to Louisiana earlier in the week). We drove 3 hours straight down to the lunch time wedding, then after drove 1.5 hours over to my parents house in Louisiana.
We literally felt like we had been around the world! I was happy to see my little chick, she had a great week with grammy and grandpa while we worked.
Sunday morning I went for a very hot and humid run, and after a BBQ lunch, we drove the 3 hours back home.
I am SO TIRED of being in the dang car! Hopefully we are here for good for a long while! Now it’s time to play catch up with my work and prepare to get things at Orange Leaf going. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
QOTD: Do you like road trips/being in the car?

Yup, I can attest to Friday traffic in Dallas, and I don’t even work in Dallas. Something happens when the week hits FRI and it’s awful getting home in the afternoon.
We thought by going through around 2:00 it wouldn’t be so bad. We were wrong!
I would much rather drive somewhere than fly but I agree that it can stink when you are stuck in traffic.
I don’t like road trips really. I’d much prefer to fly. But with good company and short distances I can have a lot of fun!
I’m so excited for your Orange Leaf journey!
Roadtrip are my favorite, but being stuck in traffic is the worst. You certain had a busy week!!
I had a good bit of driving this weekend too! I normally don’t mind the drive to my destination because I’m always excited and ready to get there. It’s the drive back that always gets me.
We are making the 16.5 hour trek to Disney World next month. I’m already mentally preparing for it and I’m not too excited for it! But we were saving something like $500 by driving, so it was hard to say no to!
There is no way I could have done all that in one week! Good luck getting the store going. I’m a local reader and went in there the other day thinking maybe I’d spot you (stalker much? lol). It was really nice and of course yummy! 🙂
Lol! So sorry we weren’t there! Hoping to take over today. Come back Thursday I will be there!