As a ZOOMA Florida ambassador, I was asked to share with you all why I run. I really put some thought into it and shared my heart in this quick video (while trying not to cry!) I would love it if you would take a look and then share why YOU run in the comments!
Bottom lineā¦frustrated, but still thankful. So appropriate for Thanksgiving week.
QOTD: Why do YOU run? Can you relate to anything I said in the video?

Hi Heather – I tried to watch the video, but it looks like it’s on a private setting. š Would like to watch it if you get the chance to fix it – thanks!
Lisa thank you for telling me, I appreciate it b/c it will go on for half a day and no one will tell me! It should be fixed now
I run for so many reasons, like to stay healthy, to reduce stress, to keep away the pounds (sorry, but true), and because I like calling myself a “runner.”
don’t be sorry! that’s a good reason!
I run because I find that it’s freeing! (as difficult as my runs may be at times)
thank you for being so honest in this post- I am frustrated with a tired body – 10 day work week (non stop) and trying to incorporate the energy to keep my training up- a week behind for where I wanna be for the Princess Half (Disney) but I am going to catch up! I run because how I feel after -how my body can go farther than my mind could ever dream.. and I am fulfilling my goal (above) at Disney in February!
you will fulfill your goal and love running princess, it’s a blast!
I run because of how I feel afterwards. I run because at one time I was so heavy I couldn’t. I run because it clears my mind and heart and lungs. I run because I can:)
you go girl!
Heather I am so sorry you have had so many setbacks this season…but you have such a great attitude about it all and that’s just as inspiring as your running! Thanks for sharing that with all of us! I run because I love it, for my health, to be a good role model for my boys, and because God gave me the ability. And I could go on and on lol! š
thanks so much!
Heather, looks all the comments have been from female runners, which I am not, but was inspired after listening to your commentary on why you run. I am 59 (will be 60 in March), I have insulin-dependent diabetes, high blood pressure, have had heart issues, was overweight, have had a mini-stroke, and was very out-of-shape. I didn’t seriously start to running until this year, after my son (an ultra-marathoner) signed me up for the 2012 Disney Wine and Dine half marathon as a birthday gift. At first, I thought, “What the hell are you trying to do, kill me?” But I started training. First day (back in March 2012), I could only run a mile (very slowly). But it brought back a distant memory of when I was a kid, I loved to run back then, not competitively, but just being a kid.
As I trained, I went through a series of injuries: 1st – severe heal pain in my right heal, 2nd – knee pain in my left knee, 3rd – shin splints in my left leg, and finally (about 3 weeks prior to the race) severe calf pain in both legs that stopped me from running altogether for a couple weeks. During each injury, my Dr. would just say, “got to quit running for a while to let it heal.” Not what I wanted to hear, but rest did help. Rode my bike to keep cardio in shape during those frustrating periods when I couldn’t run. By mid-October, I had lost 30 pounds, cut out several of the medications I was on, and felt better than I had felt in 30 years. But was still sidelined by the calf injuries and soooo frustrated that I almost decided not to go the Orlando for the race.
Forturnately, I found a massage therapist that applied message therapy to my legs to get me back in the game. I made it to Orlando and finished the race with a time of 1:59:09. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life, although I could hardly walk for the next 2 days. I started training this week for a full marathon.
The reason why I run (even though I am not a “natural runner” like my son seems to be) is because running is so much like life, “that which doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger” and “it takes a lot of work to succeed at the important things in life”. Finally, I would bet that the guy who won the half-marathon did not feel as good about himself as I did when I crossed the finish line (in pain). In fact, I bet the last person to cross the finish line felt as good about their accomplishment as the leaders did. That is what makes long-distance running so great, we are each competing only against ourselves, even with all the baggage that comes with living a long life. The preparation, training, and even the injuries are what make us stronger. To participate and hopefully finish a race is icing on the cake.
I am sure that you have numerous great, satisfying races ahead of you. Be thankful that you learned the love of running at a young age. I figure that I only have another 30 years of running left!
I’ve had cramps hit me at the end of races… it happens. The only thing I can suggest is to train AT race pace. It’s hard to give it your all on a training run, but it will get your body accustomed to running at that intensity. It really helped me at the half marathon distance, but I havent been able to translate it to the full. Guess we have to keep moving froward.
Hope the injuries leave you alone so you can be that 100% runner again.
Hey Heather! I started running to improve my overall health and to get some pounds off, but after almost three years, I don’t weigh that much less but have transformed the way my body looks. I know now that running has given me so much more. I have always been a goal setter. I love the discipline in setting a goal and reaching it. I, too, continue to be sidelined by stress fracture after stress fracture. I finished my second full marathon on October 28, but it was 17 minutes slower than R and R in NOLA. I am set to do Houston in January, but my body is totally rejecting the idea. I have only run three 3-mile runs since October 28. They have all been miserable. I think my body is just worn out.
In the end, I know that it will get better. I am frustrated as well.
You are amazing to keep up with this blog and continue to inspire people.
I pray that you are getting some answers about your different health concerns. I hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving with your family and can take your mind off of this setback.
I always tell myself that while I may not be fast or beating my PR’s, I am so much more healthy than the average person. Who else could say that they do what you do? Give yourself more credit!
I run because it gives me my “me time”! Having my “me time” makes me a better mom, a better wife, a better teacher and a better person! I am not fast but it sure does feel great when I am done. I like to say: Running-Find you happy pace!!!
I love to read the Blog…first of all I LOVE DISNEY and I love to run! Reading the Blog helps to keep me motivated! I am Thankful for your words!
<3 you are an inspiration!!! You made a powerful statement that I hope many hear! I hope we run soon! XOXO!
((Hugs)) my friend! Sorry you’ve had such a rough go at it lately. things will look up soon! Love you, girl!! :0)
In one of my blog post I stated that as a young athlete running was a punishment. In 2009 my life was spinning out of control. It was work 24-7-365. I was the biggest A Hole you could ever meet and my health wasn’t the greatest. Watching the Chicago Marathon that year was like a switching going off in my head…and that was the start to my running career. In earnest. I would go on to race a number of distances and I was running well feeling like a better person then at any point in my life.
In 2011 I took 58 minutes off my marathon time. I was in the best shape of my life and I knew I could Go sub three hours and really contend. But as December approached I experienced a weird growth in my throat. This major lump was difficult to diagnose. As my doctor and i chatted we determined that my running was helping me fight this lump but when I went on break to heal and enjoy the off season the growth came in full force. I had issues breathing and couldn’t eat. At,the time I thought the worst and the word Cancer was a constant concern. I wouldn’t know for sure until I had surgery. Fast forward to February 2012 and after a 6 hour surgery I was tentatively in the clear. I had three lumps removed and cute scar which is not so cute…but I was lucky and had confirmation that’s it wasn’t cancer.
I was signed up to race Chicago but didn’t race at all this year. 2012 was so hard for me. I couldn’t regain my mojo and my bad boy race swagger. But regardless of the mojo I kept working. I knew I was given a second chance and I was going to enjoy the road to
Chicago. Well until I got hurt three weeks from the marathon. I was so angry and frustrated. I missed out on three long runs and I was ready to quite. But that’s when the swagger started to creep back in. The more folks told me to pack it in the harder I trained (albeit short runs built with intensity). When I lined up at Chicago I new that Boston wasn’t within reach but I was damned if I wasn’t going to PR. By Mile 20 I knew that a BQ was within reach but by mile 22 my injury was hurting so bad that I couldn’t keep the pace. By mile 23 I made the decision to go all in. No matter what happens I was doing what I loved and I was the happiest. My mantra the last three miles shifted between Carpe Diem to fight. By the time I got to Michigan Avenue friends were chanting fight. And man I was running as if I was an elite athlete. I would PR and I got a high five from our mayor who knew I was in pain. The tears were a combo of joy and pain. But my bad boy swagger was back.
Heather I can’t imagine what you are going through but girl you are not alone. You play such an important role in our community and you have helped so many. So right now is rough but girl it’s our turn to support you. we need our Southern Sass. So we stand with you. These set backs are lessons and it sucks to hear that ( I know š ) but you will come out a stronger athlete, friend, woman and mentor to our running community.
wow what an amazing story you have! Thank you for sharing it. You are so strong to come through all of that and still want to run and still do so well! Thank you so much for the encouragement and support, it really means a lot to me! Keep on running!