I knew this would happen, that I would post my race recap and that same day my professional photos would become available. Ah, well. What can you do? One of the great things about this race was that all the photos taken by Brightroom were available for digital download FOR FREE! How awesome is that? What a nice perk.
Beginning of the race, focused.
Oh course as soon as I started eating a GU at mile 6, I see a photographer. So I am trying to choke it down and smile
Here I come down the home stretch, so ready to be done but angry about my time
They were announcing my name when I came through so I was trying to do a little “yay” cheer
What the heck just happened?
When I saw this next one, I laughed out loud. This is the face of someone who barely missed their PR. Yes my friends, I am not ashamed to show this one.
Very lady like right?
I continue my streak of being incapable of pinning my bib on straight.
I also wanted to give a health update. I went back to the GI doctor yesterday, and the results of my gluten tolerance blood work had not come back yet. He confirmed during my scope he found an inflamed stomach (gastritis) and a small hiatal hernia. I told him I had been gluten free for four days and he said to keep at it until they got the test results back. He also added an anti-spasmodic medicine to take as needed.
He thinks the discomfort in my side is muscular (I am going to a chiropractor Friday for that and my leg cramps) and the tightness in my chest could be anxiety. Apparently when you are anxious it causes your body to produce more stomach acid, and when someone like me who is already take meds for acid reflux gets anxious, it can make my symptoms worse. So I am also trying to control my anxiety.
He wants to do a gastric emptying test to see if my stomach is emptying too slowly, and I am also having a pelvic ultrasound today. Whew. He also said even though my gallbladder ultrasound came back clean that it doesn’t really mean much, that he has seen plenty of people who end up having gallbladder issues even though their ultrasound was fine. Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support, I really appreciate it, please keep praying!
*Edited to add I AM feeling better. Not well, but better. I’m not sure if it’s the prevacid finally kicking in or the gluten free eating or a combo of both, but several of my symptoms have gone away, we are just double checking and eliminitaing a few other possibilities!
*don’t forget to enter my Oakley giveaway!
QOTD: Do you think free digital photos is a good race perk? Have you ever had any of these tests before?

Good luck with your continued health issues….hope you are fine for Goofy in a few weeks. Yes, I think free digital photos is an awesome race perk. Wish they would do that at the Disney races.
it would be awesome if disney races did them!
I had a gastric emptying test a few years ago and it’s strange. They had me eat a scrambled egg with some medication in it (they fixed it for me) then they scan your abdomen every so often to see how long it takes for your stomach to digest the egg. The most bizzare medical test I’ve ever had (and I did IVF twice!). I had similar stomach issues several years ago and after a few weeks of medication, everything healed and I was fine. No explanation. Good luck with everything!
it seems SO bizare, but I am afraid its going to tel me zilcho and I will have spent the money on it ha!
Love all the pics, especially the last one. Haha! That’s awesome. And still praying for you, my dear!
thanks friend I need it!
First, I love the pics with the Gu. They’d make great ads for them! 🙂
And secondly, wishing you all the best with your tummy issues and cramps and things. Hoping these doctors can get to the bottom of it all. It’s the worst to feel unwell but not know the cause.
thanks so much! Ha it should be a Gu ad!
Free digital downloads? That’s awesome! I wish Disney had that!
I always have that “what the heck just happened” look after a race. But despite your struggles, you looked pretty darn pleasant! I sure hope you get some more answers soon. My husband has been reading these books about mind/body connection. They might sound hoakie but he’s actually experiencing less back pain now,..let me know if you want the titles.
that sounds interesting! I agree there is a connection!
I think it would be awesome if it was included. However, most organizers would probably figure that cost into the entry fee which could mean more expensive races. But the pics of that race look awesome, especially the one where you are passing that tall building and the one where you jut realized you missed a PR is priceless. lol
this race wasn’t cheap but for all the photos I got it was worth it!
I love free race photos. Its one of the reasons I love Aravaipa running in Phoenix. They always have their photos up for free after, and they are good pictures. I can’t wait to do another race with them. They have races from 5mi to 100mi.
On the Gluten topic, I have heard of it before. My fiance knows she has issues with Gluten but doesn’t want to eat it for 30days just have the doctor diagnose her with a gluten allergy.
that sounds awesome!
I LOVE the free digital photos! One of my favorite perks ever! I’m glad you are starting to get a few answers girl. I am going to continue to pray! Good luck with the ultrasound today!
Digital photos would be an awesome inclusion in a race-so you have proof!! Hope the rest of the tests go well-I know it can be frustrating when you have symptoms and they can’t find anything that can be fixed with a “magic wand”. And again-you should be proud of yourself for doing a 1/2 (really several 1/2’s) while not feeling well.
thanks so much!
Yes, digital downloads are awesome! I’ve only purchased one race photo, in the past, as they are quite expensive. I got the link to get my photos from the Woman’s Half, but I haven’t done so yet.
I know they are SO expensive! ug
Definitely keeping you in my prayers! I have a hinatal hernia as well, which is what always gives me nausea. It sucks, but I’ve kind of gotten used to it. Hope you feel better!
Awesome pictures! I either look goofy or in pain in race photos, so I don’t order any. Free photos would be nice, from a perks perspective.
Your photos look great… even the ones with the GU and missed PR.
As for the bib, do you pin while you are wearing the shirt? Try doing so before you put it on. That way you can judge the straightness based on the t-shirt logo/design. Just pin the top two holes, then the bottoms once you put it on.
Great job on the finish. They all count.
Hope your tum tum feels better soon. (saying tum tum is cool).
ok free race pics??? I want those!!!!
I’m sorry about your stomach issues. Keep calm and feel better 🙂
free downloads is an AMAZING race perk. I never really print them out, I just want them on my computer… so that is pretty awesome. Also, crap.. you look amazing in your race photos. I always look like a troll 😉
Free digital race photos would be a great perk!
Good luck with the upcoming tests – hope you get some answers soon!
I would love to get digital download of race pics for free. My most recent half was also photographed by Brightroom and their logo is so plastered on my tiny little proofs that I can’t even see if my facial expression is decent in any of them. Why would I pay a ridiculous amount of money for something I can’t even truly preview? That’s dumb.
My husband once had gastritis and had also been really sick and miserable prior to his scope. He too had struggled with basic acid reflux in the year or so prior to the gastritis. For him it resolved with a more bland and basic diet. He cut out lactose and then slowly reintroduced some low amounts of cheese and eventually ice cream but continues to use lactose free milk for cereal. He also had to stop eating any tomato sauces and cream sauces. After a while he was able to start eating tomato sauces again and now has no problems.
That makes sense my symptoms started on vacation when I was eating tons if bad for you food so I’m sure my body freaked out! I have been a lot more bland lately and I think it’s helping!
Glad to hear you are feeling some better. Hope you get the rest of the answers soon.
I think free downloads is one of the best perks ever! Heck, I’d even be ok with a small charge to download. I bet the photo companies would make a lot more on the volume downloaded than they do on the stupid expensive single photos now.
LOVED the free pictures!! (Even though most of mine were horrible.) The last one of you is, too funny! Like a kid who opened up a really crummy Christmas present. Glad to hear you’re feeling better.
dont read your blog that often, but like what ive seen, just wanted to comment on the GI issues. i have a severe hiatal hernia which ive been treating with meds for the past 5 years. like you i get full VERY VERY quickly. i was just curious what mad you decide to cute out gluten? I am a vegan so gluten is a huge part of my diet. i actually found cutting out diary/oils/fried foods was the best way to stop the discomfort- not gluten. I just feel like too many people use gluten as the ultimate solution for every stomach issue- its not!
just a suggestion that maybe it isnt gluten issue?
I tried gluten free bc I was having a lot of lower GI symptoms like bloating, gas, nausea, abdominal cramps, etc and i had already tried to rule out dairy, so we thought it may be a different food allergy. Had BLood work done to test gluten but it is still being processed. I did it at my doctors recommendation (tried a gluten free diet) to see if we
could rule it out or not. It’s not something I plan to stay on if tests come back negative. It will just depend. 🙂
Not sure what comments you are reading but I see the one you made clear as day on my site, I didn’t delete it. Anyone can see it. I did however email you to address your personal attack on me. If you choose to delete it that’s fine, but I did want to address your comment with you in a private manor. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas!