Hola and happy Friday! It’s going to be another hot one here, hence why I bought tank tops and shorts at Target yesterday. They are having a huge sale through tomorrow! Anyway, here are 5 things for Friday (I guess technically 6 if you count the Target tip. Bonus.)
1.) Race season: I am running my first 5k of the “fall” season tomorrow, which is actually funny because the high today is 96. I’m sure my time will be slow, but it’s being held at my church and I wanted to take part.
2.) Sick kid: Emma Kate was home sick from daycare on Wednesday and it was rough on everybody. She’s fine now, just some sinus gunk, but wow I think that day was harder on me than it was on her. Bless it. Any tips for sick kid days when it’s way too hot to go outside and your kid is running around crazy because they don’t’ “feel” sick?
PS when did my kid turn blonde?!?
3.) iPhone update: Is the new update throwing anyone else off? I don’t like change and I keep forgetting to push the home button to open my phone and it’s driving me bonkers. Although, I was super excited to get rid of the “stocks” app!
4.) Get a check up: On Thursday I went to the dermatologist for a check up/skin check. I haven’t been since I was pregnant (I know I know), but know how important it is. My uncle was recently diagnosed with melanoma, so that was enough to scare me into going. Especially as runners who are outside more than most, it’s super important!
5.) Snapchat: Did you know I am on Snapchat? I am @HeathersLG. Check it out! I love the filters. If Instagram Stories comes out with filters, I think I will ditch Snapchat though.
QOTD: Do you have Snapchat? Have you been to the Dermatologist lately?

Good luck at your 5k! I have a race tomorrow as well and am anxious to see what the weather will actually be like! I don’t do snap chat.
I bet she’s blond from being outside all the time. My hair did that even through high school since I was outside almost every day during the summers.
Probably, but also my husband had white blonde hair until
Middle school!
I’m having the same issue with the iOS updated! I’m jazzed that I could delete Stocks and Apple Watch, but I keep swiping to open my phone and it’s driving my nuts. I feel like I learn new things everyday. Like yesterday, I turned my phone sideways while texting and found I could do some sort of hand writing thing. Who knew?
I especially love tip #4! 🙂
You can change the press to unlock function. Go to Setting > General > Accessibility > Home Button and turn on Rest Finger to Open. The unlock screen will still say Press to Open, but all you have to do is touch the Home button.
I did that, but i automatically try to swipe!
Love your sneaks!!
Congrats on your race girl! And I LOVE snapchat! Especially the filters. Haven’t used Instagram stories much since there isn’t any filters lol!