We celebrated having Emma Kate for a week yesterday, so I thought it was high time to start her birth story before I forgot everything! If you donāt care about birth stories, sometimes icky medical details and the like, you may want to skip this post and any other birth story posts.
I told you all I had an induction date, but what I didnāt tell you is that it was at 39 weeks 1 day. I had kind of hinted at the fact that baby M was measuring big and I really wanted a vagnial birth and was ok with being induced, but I didnāt want to give an exact day, then I started the baby pool and REALLY didnāt want to give the date!
On the 23rd, I was super nervous all day. I had to go to the hospital for pre admissions and lab work, and I couldnāt believe I was going to be back the next day to have a baby. It was surreal and I didnāt feel like it was really happening. I was instructed to not eat or drink after midnight that night, and was worried about being hungry and weak during labor, so I stayed up until 11:00 and stuffed my face before going to bed. The bad thing about a scheduled induction is knowing the day you are going to have your baby. I slept for exactly one hour that night, and knew it was going to be bad going into the day already exhausted. We had to be at the hospital at 5:30, so I was up at 4:00 to shower and load the car. The poor dogs were so confused and I felt bad leaving them for a couple days.
I took one more belly shot for good measure, I canāt believe I looked like that just a week ago!
We made it to the hospital, checked in, and were brought back to a room by 6:00. At 6:15, I was given my IV, and then it was time for a not so fun enema. I had never had one before, and am glad I didnāt know all it entailed ahead of time because I would have been loathing it as well. Letās just say it was REALLY not pleasant and not a fun experience, but after it was all over, I was glad it was done with and it was one less thing to worry about for the day (or the next several days!) The nurse was so sweet and made it as easy as possible and I was bummed she about to get off her shift for the day at 7:00!
At 7:00, I was introduced to my new nurse for the day, Laura. I was so excited when I saw her! She was the nurse who helped me when I had to go into the hospital for pre term labor, and she was super sweet and told me she hoped she got to help the day I had my baby, and here she was. Huge sigh of relief, because I know having a good nurse can really change your birthing experience, well, from what I have heard of course.
Before all the fun began
At 7:30, I was given antibiotics and Pitocin through an IV (I tested positive for group B strep). I had heard that once you get the Pitocin, you start having strong and fast contractions, so I was nervous about just how quickly things would progress as far as pain goes. (By the way, I had Bobby write down the times that things happened and I am SO glad I did because I canāt remember them all!)
At 7:40, my doctor came in to break my water. She checked me and I was already at 4 cm, so she said after she broke my water I could have an epidural whenever I wanted. I have to say, the water breaking and that last check were pretty painful, but luckily didnāt last long.
Last selfie before baby arrives!
After all of the commotion in such a short time, there was a lot of waiting around. I had my phone and had posted that I was being induced, so I had a lot of sweet well wishes and texts to read while we waited.
Poor Bobby was freezing cold, we didnāt think about bringing him a jacket or anything to the chilly hospital, but we were able to snag him a blanket while we waited.
I started being able to feel some contractions, like strong period cramps, They were about four minutes apart and strong enough I had to stop talking, but not strong enough that I was in a ton of pain for a long time, so very manageable. At 8:40, my mom arrived and the contractions were amping up a bit in intensity and getting closer together, but were still irregular.
At around 9:30, I decided it was time for the epidural. I was starting to have contractions every 2-3 minutes regularly, and they were getting stronger and harder to get through. I knew all along I was going to get an epidural, so I figured at this point, no reason to be a hero if I am getting one anyway. I told the nurse I was ready and come to find out the girl in the room next to me who checked in when I did had already called for one so I was going to have to wait a few minutes.
Around this time, my nurse Laura came in with another nurse, Athena. Laura told me she was also the nurse for the girl next door and apparently she needed some special attention so she would not be able to be my nurse as well. I was SO bummed out! Laura assured me Athena was great, and she told me she would come back when it was time for me to deliver if she could. She also told me today would have been her motherās 82nd birthday and so I had to have the baby today. I was really sad I wouldnāt have Laura, but Athena ended up being terrific. I kept telling her how nervous I was for the epidural and how my whole life I had heard horror stories about it. She told me not to worry, that is wasnāt bad, she had one three times, with her three kids. She talked me through what would happen, how I would sit, etc. so we would be ready for when the doctor came in.
This is getting lengthy so I will save the next part for next week!
RELATED: Birth story part 2 and part 3
QOTD: If you were induced or had a scheduled section did you sleep the night before? Did you have a good nurse when you had your baby?
Anyone ever hear epidural horror stories growing up?

I had a good nurse w/Wyatt and the best nurse ever w/Hadley! It really makes a difference!
I’ve heard and seen some horror stories! It didn’t work at all for multiple friends, stopped one friends labor, one friend had to have it placed 3 times…scary!
I don’t remember getting mine, a lot of things were fuzzy, but once I got it I didn’t feel a thing!
I have heard, too, that a great nurse makes all the difference in the world and I am so glad you had great nurses! Looking forward to part 2!
I was induced – because I was 5 days late, and I’m old, so they didn’t want me to wait any longer. I did not sleep very well the night before! I didn’t actually have the baby the day of my induction though, we went over into the next day. I had terrific nurses through my labor and delivery, and not so great nurses in the post-partum stay. It really does make a huge difference to have a great nurse! I also had 3 nursing students who were there most of the time and they took turns giving me back massages – WIN! I didn’t get an epidural until about 8 hours into my induction, wanted to wait as long as possible. It didn’t help anyway – it wore off long before I had to push (for four hours). So, I didn’t listen to or read horror stories about epidurals, because I didn’t really want to be swayed one way or the other!! Your experience sounds great so far!!
One of my postpartum stay nurses wasn’t very good either. The night nurse was but not the day nurse. I was so happy the second day when my night nurse came on shift!
Good nurses really make a difference! I had some great ones with my two boys…one of them even stayed past her shift until I delivered! I was scheduled to be induced for both of mine but ended up going into labor both times before the induction date! My water broke in bed at 2AM with the second one…yuck!
Both of my boys were induced. I had an epidural with both, too. It worked kind of wonky with my first.
My parents are doctors, so I’ve heard all sorts of stories both good and bad about a huge range of medical anything. I wasn’t too worried though.
I’m not sure I would want to hear stories if my parents were doctors haha
For the twins I was induced and like you I was so nervous I couldn’t sleep all night! 8 hours and no progress so c-section. With Riley I went in the day before my due date and they went ahead and induced me. 12 hours no epi! I had asked for it and they said it was too soon, so I assumed they’d tell me when it was time. Finally my nurse told me I didn’t have to be a hero, I told her I wasn’t! Just waiting on them to give it to me!! 23 hours of labor later he was finally born, on my due date! (Valentines Day) I can’t wait to hear the 2nd half of you story!
I’m surprised they gave you an enema, I wasn’t aware that was something they do anymore. I know I remember I didn’t get one! But then again, my last baby was 8 years ago so times probably have changed!
Apparently it’s not very common but after it was done I was glad I did it b/c I was scared to poop for days after but didn’t need to ha!
I had a wonderful nurse!!!! We ended up being induced but I didn’t know until the day of so I slept fine. The epidural process was one of my fears as well but wasn’t bad! More to come in my own post! Congrats on Emma Kate!
Thank you!
Yep, I was induced with my first son and didnāt really have any problems with it. Mind you, it was a slow induction so they did a few things and I got to go home. Luckily that started everything going so by the time I got back to the hospital things were progressing on their own. Anyhow, congrats!
Cant wait to hear more! We’re getting to the good stuff š
All I had ever heard was how great epidurals are. The doctor tried 3 times with me and couldn’t get it to work at all so I had an all natural delivery (ouch!). My nurse was amazing and actually ended up delivering my baby by herself because my doctor didn’t make it in time! He showed up about 10 minutes later.
That’s crazy!
Everything about giving birth freaks me the heck out! It really is a little miracle each time a baby is born.
Congrats! My baby was born the day before Emma, I may have already commented and said this but you’ll excuse a little forgetfulness :). I was not induced but I didn’t sleep for two days, the night before we went to the hospital I was up all night with contractions. I think I would prefer anticipation next time :). The nurses, and every single person in the hospital was wonderful. We didn’t deal with anyone who I didn’t love. I don’t know where they find these patient, sweet people but I agree it makes the experience so much better!
Oh and I’ve been TERRIFIED of an epidural since I reached childbearing years and then when the time came and I was going on 24 hours of unmedicated labor (NOT by choice) I was like GET THAT THING IN MY BACK. It didn’t hurt at all and then things were so blissful.
haha yes when you are in pain you just don’t care!
Yes I don’t know what I would have done without my awesome nurses!
Well, my nurse and doctor were amazing. However, since I’m allergic to all the good stuff in the epidural, and they couldn’t give me that, I ended up with an epidural that didn’t work (well, it was like taking Tylenol for 45 minutes and slightly less painful). So, I got the whole experience. For free. š I dilated so quickly, that an epidural would have been pointless at that point anyway (that’s what the doc told me).
So, giving birth unmedicated: it is painful. I did not think I could handle it, if you’d had asked me before giving birth. So, I secretly felt like a rock star after. š
Then again, epidurals are not that common in the Netherlands. You’d think we like pain. š
You are a rockstar! Those pitocin contractions hurt like heck!
Thanks for sharing your story! I can’t wait for part two!
I’ve never heard horror stories, I’ve only heard if a woman has a tattoo on the small of her back, she can’t get an epidural. I don’t know if that’s true though.
Congrats on baby Emma Kate! She’s a cutie!! I’m a nursing student and just did my OB clinical over the summer. I’m so so so surprised you had an enema, we were told in class that, that was a thing of the past and the never do it anymore. During my rotation we never gave any women enemas. I guess it just depends per hospital, but really interesting!
I’m a Physician Assistant student and I was surprised about that too!
Congrats Heather – can’t wait to read part 2!
I have since heard it’s not typcial, and while it wasn’t fun for about 2 minutes, honestly after I was so glad I did it b/c I didn’t have to worry about that part of things for several days!
I had a scheduled c/section at 39 weeks with my second (my first was a 31 hour affair that ended with a section. All set on repeating that experience!). Oddly, I did sleep a bit, I think because I had been awake the night before, so I was really tired. I did have an indication scheduled with my first, but my water broke before. I just never dilated past 4.
Glad all went ok up to this point! Also glad to hear that the epidural wasn’t bad. I agree with you, nurses make ALL the difference! š
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