Several of you have asked me about my weight lifting routine, especially how it incorporates into my half marathon training plan. I have now been consistently lifting since December, and while I don’t look ripped like I would like to, I am definitely more toned and lean.
Bobby is my lifting partner, and he has been lifting since 7th grade. He knows a lot about it, what days to do what things, and helps make sure I am keeping proper form, etc.
Our routine is broken up into two different days. We do back and biceps on one day, and chest and triceps on the alternating day. We throw in a little bit of abs pretty much every time, and I do legs on run days AFTER I have already run. Since I don’t run two days in a row, the next day is a cross training day so sore legs don’t affect my runs. I do NOT lift legs the day before a long run.
These are the machines we typically use on each set of days:
-tricep extensions
-chest press
-pectoral fly
-incline press
-bicep curl
-fixed pulldown
-rear deltoid
-abdominal crunch
-torso rotation
-ab ball/crunches
-leg press
-leg extension
-seated leg curl
*we also use free weights on both days, I have been working on strengthening my stabilizer muscles
We do 15 reps for three sets on each exercise. Swapping out in between to rest. We also get water in between certain difficult sets, and throw in our ab machines in between sets of upper body for a small arm break!
Also, on running days, I run in the morning then lift with Bobby at night, sometimes doing some cross training as well. Regardless, we always lift before doing cardio.
QOTD: Do you lift? Are you looking to get into it more? What is stopping you!? What is your favorite machine at the gym?

I so need to lift weights, but I don’t =(
I LOOOVE MY WEIGHTS but still wouldnt mind a visit from you and bobby 🙂
I really need to start lifting! I used to, but then I got lazy… 😉
i love weight training. i always leave the gym feeling so strong, even if I’m not lifting THAT much. I loved Jamie Eason’s live fit but it got really boring after a while without cardio. have you tried it?
I love lifting weights! I haven’t been into it as much lately since I don’t belong to a gym. I miss it too! My main form of strength training is body weight exercises right now. I still see a ton of progress even without picking up a weight!
I’m definitely into lifting. Love how it makes me feel strong. I don’t usually use machines. I prefer the dumbbells or barbells actually.
I LOVE the title of your post lol! I can just hear that guy from that commercial in my head!!! I don’t lift but need and want to start. My problem is I don’t know where to start. I am one of those people who needs a plan to follow. That’s great the Bobby gives you the plan!!!
I definitely lift weights! I enjoy it and I feel much more toned than I did when I was just doing cardio. I tend to prefer free weights to machines.
I’ve started incorporating weights regularly the last year or two, and love it. I agree with you about doing legs the same day as running, not before… although I end up skipping them a lot for that reason. It’s hard to get back to the gym after running outside.
I love reading about your routine :). I started doing a lifting class at my gym and really like it. It’s low weight, high reps, and all free weights, and I think it’ll end up helping my running too. I was lifting weights before I moved, but kinda got out of the habit with moving so I’m looking forward to starting again! You definitely look great and very lean.
HEATHER! You don’t look ripped? Uhm. You are looking quite fabulous. Jaw dropping in fact.
I lift 5 days/week and it gives me such confidence!
I love, LOVE lifting! Favourite machine is the Shoulder Press 🙂
I do Stronglifts 5×5 2x per week (program is typically 3x per week). High weight, low rep barbell training – squat, deadlift, row, overhead press, bench press. Also, chin ups, push ups, and some “vanity” lifts like tricep extensions, bicep curls, and lat pulldowns. I’m also training for a marathon. I know a lot of people like to think heavy training has no place in a runner’s training plan but if I stop with the heavy stuff I’m far more prone to running injuries and have less stamina on technical trail courses. It’s also an incredible feeling to deadlift 200 pounds as a short female…bragging rights!
Fun! I only use free weights and body weight to lift, but even that really makes a difference. It is really hard for me to balance lifting w/running though. I can’t lift the day before or after speedwork or long runs.
I love lifting – I just wish I did it more often!
p.s. We say this phrase at home all the time (your post title). love it!
Our gym is nice, but small, so we use what we have. I often add in a few other things after our normal circuit. A few i usually do are: On chest/tri days i do dumbell bench press and sometimes straight bar bench press and burn outs on tricep extensions. On bi/back day i do different grip pullups and various curs with free weights. On most everything i do i go for high reps (12-20). Doing high reps helps you get cut as opposed to low reps with hight weight helps you build mass. I like to end all my workouts doing a few sets of burn out with a low weight to really fatigue my muscles.
Hey, you have rock star abs? Nice. I don’t lift… I used to occasionaly, and I really want to get back into it. I’ve been running so much that it’s tough to work it back in. I have been working in some core excersises in between my runs. Like, literally inbetween (run a few miles, do ab workout, run a few more miles). That seems to be helping. Great post!
My husband and I occasionally lift, but we need to lift more! We tried to lift every day that we were supposed to swim for our triathlon training program but we didn’t keep it up. I want to get back into it!
i’m taking my first more or less break from race training in years and trying to really amp up the weights. what i need to figure out is then how to cycle back in to running and maintain the weights since I know i need that muscle tone
You know I love to lift weights. And love love love putting together plans for people. It’s such a great component for balance and really does make a difference.
PS – You look phenomenal!
🙂 thanks friend.
I think it has helped with injury prevention for sure.
I need to do weights more!! I get intimidated by the machines and not having the proper form with free weights.
I started seriously lifting weights in January but started slacking off in April. I just recently got back into it though. I am seriously loving the feeling I get after a good workout. It is so different than after a good run and really empowering. The results take a really long time to see though. I actually prefer using the free weights at the gym but my favorite machine is the Lateral Pull Down machine.
Sigh. I just don’t like strength training. It bores me even though I know I need to be doing it!
And yes you do look a little “ripped”! 🙂
I love weight lifting! I like how easily it tones my arms and how it makes me feel strong! 🙂
I think you’re looking pretty toned!
I’m just getting back into lifting now…in the past when I lifted, I got really toned up. I don’t understand machine etiquette at the gym, so that throws me off sometimes. For example: why is that guy leaving his towel on the machine when he’s not using it? How long will he be blocking use?
we do that sometimes, but never when the gym is crowded (we go to a small neighborhood gym) most people do 3 sets on a machine, but rest for about 60 seconds in between, so they may get up and get water, or stretch, etc while waiting for their muscles to recover so they can do another set. Hope that helps!
You do look ripped — look at those abs! I take metabolic resistance training classes multiple times a week, so I do “lift” just not in the gym sense. I can’t imagine ever not incorporating strength into my workouts again! It’s made such a HUGE difference!
haha my new best friend!