Good morning friends! The Jazz half marathon is quickly approaching…as in three days approaching! I was hoping to be coming into this race at full health/strength, and unfortunately that’s not in the cards for me. I am much MUCH better than I was last week, and can’t wait to run through my beloved New Orleans, shouting to anyone who will listen about my awesome sponsor Rebootizer, and having a good time… but I also have to be realistic about my chances for a PR.
Running four miles on a seven day cruise then being very ill for eight days does not a PR make. Who knows, maybe I will surprise myself? One thing that has definitely helped in my training (and vacation recovery!) is Rebootizer. This stuff rocks yall.
I started taking it immediately after getting home from my cruise, and while it normally takes me a couple weeks to feel healthy again after a cruise from all that sodium filled food and junk, I felt better as far as that goes MUCH quicker than normal thanks to this awesome product.
I started drinking one every day for the first six days I was back, and then as needed (pretty much every 3 days) since then, leading up to the race. It’s easy to drink, tastes good, and makes me feel great when my system needs a “reboot”.
So my training…
I have been running between 3 and 4 days a week (until the cruise + illness), typically an easy run of 3 miles, a middle distance 4-6 miles, a long run, and a 2-3 mile speed workout. It has been very warm here, so I am hoping this actually ends up helping me when the weather finally does cool off! The race day weather is supposed to be really nice though!
As far as Rebootizer goes, I have toyed around with taking it before workouts in the morning or after workouts. Honestly they both worked out great, I had no “stomach issues” on my run taking it before, and felt fine taking it after, too.
So, some have asked when exactly is the best time to use Rebootizer?
Whenever is most convenient for you! Rebootizer is designed to fit easily into any lifestyle.
As part of a detox diet or wellness regime, you can use Rebootizer at any time of day.
For best results from single use, consume at the end of your dinner or after a party or evening out. You can also consume Rebootizer again in the morning to maximize the soothing effect of the product.
That’s why I love it! There is no right or wrong answer. It works great before or after workouts, after a night out on the town, when traveling by air, or anytime your system just needs a reboot! I feel it has definitely helped get me back on track after a cruise of eating junk for a week, and helped prepare me for my half marathon.
If you are running the Jazz Half in New Orleans Sunday, look for me! I may have some goodies and brochures from Rebootizer to hand out! Can’t wait to get another Jazz medal!
Jazz Half 2010
Be sure to follow Rebootizer on Twitter, Facebook, and Instargram (@therebootnation) for the latest news and updates!
QOTD: What do you do when you have been sick and need to “quickly” prepare for a race or some other event? Are you racing this coming weekend?

I have never taken anything like this. Thanks for the tips.
And have fun at Jazz.
I need to make my way out to NOLA for a race… the medals are always so cool.
I’ve been battling a sickness past week or so and am finally feeling “over” it. I have a race in a week and a half… always great to have options. Thanks for the REBOOTIZER info.
Good luck on your race! Ill have to look for Reboot!
SPA <3