Who loves Pinterest!?!? (Are you waving your arms wildly in the air like I am?) If you do, then you will love this new-to-me tool that you can use to schedule your pins. Some of you may know of my love for Buffer from Healthy Living Summit and using it to schedule tweets and Facebook ...
Shoe Woes Update: Pink Power
Y’all, I am so excited. My new ASICS came in Tuesday and I was able to take them out for a spin on Wednesday. It was just a quick three miles, but that’s ok. Thanks for all your help with my shoe woes one and two posts. Check out how it went in the vlog below, then scroll down to see ...
Getting Back to Normal
Hurricane Isaac hit back at the end of August, but what people may not realize is that things aren’t quite back to normal for some people around here, but everyone is doing this best to get back to the way things were. I was reminded of this yesterday morning when Bobby and I headed down to ...
Samsung Galaxy S3 Favorites
Now that I have had my Samsung Galaxy S3 for awhile, I wanted to give an update on some of my favorite things (cue Sound of Music singing song “My Favorite Things”). You may have seen some of the features on commercials the past couple weeks, they are quite amusing an I applaud Samsung for ...
Goal Making
For the year or so, at the beginning of the month I usually set a few goals and then recap them at the end of the month and give my effort/achievement a “score” on each goal. Some months I really rock it and knock them all out, and some months I am way off my mark. Why? I feel like one of ...
Weekly Recap: September Week 2
Football day! Well, yesterday was football day too, so I guess I can’t really say that. Did your team win? (Mine did! LSU won 63-14!) Do you think your team will win today? Geaux Tigers! This past week my workouts were better than the week before (I am getting there!) but still not back ...