I have been talking up boot camp for awhile now, and it’s because I have seen changes in my body like I never saw when I was just running. I always assumed I was “in shape” because I could run a marathon, but y’all, I really wasn’t in overall good health/shape. lifting weights has helped me in so ...
Don’t Make Losing Fat Complicated
If you've decided you want to lose some fat (whether it be just a few pounds or a large chunk of your body mass), chances are you've done the research on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, and anything that you can find on that subject. If so, you've probably seen that most credible sources will tell ...
Top 10 runDisney Princess Half Marathon Tips
The runDisney Princess half marathon weekend is one of my favorites. It's a fun girls' weekend where you get some awesome new bling at the end. What could be better? That being said, being prepared can make or break your experience, so I am here to offer some of my best tips for running the ...
Lately, January 2020
I feel like I haven't really done a "catch up" post lately just to let you know how we have been doing. Time is passing so quickly, sometimes I forget what I have shared and what I haven't. I post a lot of content on Instagram and Instagram stories, so be sure you are following me there for updates. ...
Praying the “Anything” Prayer for God’s Will
Being strong enough to tell God you want to be used in ANY way, whatever He deems necessary or right, can be a tough prayer to pray. It means getting out of our comfort zone, stepping into the unknown, and surrounding your preconceived notions about what your life should look like. This is by no ...
God’s Love and Our Attitude Towards Blessings
Do you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? Do you struggle with feeling like you have to "be good" in order to be blessed by God, or that if you AREN'T "good" you will never be enough? In this video I speak about being an enneagram type 3, feeling like I must do good to be loved, and ...