It's the last day of 2019, and I have really enjoyed NOT being at my laptop, and just spending time with family. However I did want to get a Christmas recap post up before the new year, so here is our Christmas eve and Christmas in few words and lots of photos. Hope yours was merry and ...
Christmas Cards and a Life of Purpose
Call me old fashioned, but I absolutely love sending and receiving Christmas cards. I think my fascination for them goes all the way back to childhood, before we had tiny computers in our pockets, and way before social media existed, documenting our every move. When we received a Christmas card in ...
Favorite Posts of 2019
As 2019 comes to a close, I have been doing a lot of reflecting. It's not only a good business practice but a good thing for life in general. To see what worked, what didn't, what we need to rid our lives of or do more of. So I thought it would be fun to post some of my favorite blog posts from ...
November 2019 Photo Dump
Yall, I have been really bad about transferring photos from my phone to my computer. I back everything up with Amazon photos, but then don't save them to my laptop which is a huge #Fail. So I am trying to do better, and decided to share some snaps from November with you that may not have made it ...
Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Girls
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Stockings are such a fun part of Christmas traditions at my house, and growing up I always loved seeing what Santa left for me. A few little happys were always fun, so I came up with a list of a few ideas for little girls stocking for this year. ...
Toy Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Disclosure: Some of the toys mentioned below were gifted, and some links may be affiliate links, however, all opinions are my own. I asked Emma Kate to help me make a holiday toy gift guide, and she was quick to give me her opinion on the matter (what's new.) We only added in toys we actually ...