It recently dawned on me the other day, that before long I will need to start planning Emma Kate’s first birthday party! Mind blown. Also, this week marks her 39th week of life, which is the same amount of time I carried her. Weird to thing she has now been out just as long as she was ...
baby ek
Emma Kate: Month 8
Another month gone by! It’s no secret I really struggled with getting used to motherhood when Emma Kate was a newborn, but these past couple of months have gotten so much more fun as EK continues to show more of her little (or should I say BIG) personality. We had some great weather this past ...
Emma Kate: Month 5
Another month has come and gone! Emma Kate turned five months old while Bobby and I were in Disney last week for the Princess half marathon. I don’t feel she was as different between months three and four, but has made HUGE leaps between four and five. This month, Emma Kate loves: - ...
Freshly Picked Review and Giveaway
Hi friends! I have a GREAT giveaway today for those with wee ones. So I know Emma Kate can’t walk yet, but that doesn’t mean she can’t have adorable little moccasins! Freshly Picked is having me not only review these on my site, but I will be giving a pair away as well! Emma Kate was way more ...