Well. I am several weeks behind in posting this, if that is any indicator of how busy the past 3 months have been for me! But busy is good. Busy is job security. Job. It still makes me chuckle that THIS IS MY JOB. 14 years (and three weeks) after I hit publish on that first post on what was then ...
13 Year Blogiversary
Wow. Yall, I have no words. I have been doing this for thirteen years. As I look back over the years, I can't help but laugh (and not just at how horrible those first posts were!) I went to college, didn't know what I wanted to do. Got a degree in Psychology because I figured, no matter what I do, ...
12 Year Blogiversary
How did we get here? 12 years of blogging! My life looks so different than I thought it would. Starting a blog 12 years ago as basically a running training journal and turning it into a career has been a wild ride. It is still so weird when people ask me what I do for a living, I'm never quite sure ...
11 Year Blogiversary
Every year this sneaks up on me! Bobby actually had to remind me this time. This week marks ELEVEN YEARS that I have been on this blogging journey. (If you go to the right sidebar and search "blogiversary" you can find my yearly posts!) When I think about how different my life would look ...
10 Year Blogiversary
Wow. 10. whole. years. I truly and honestly cannot believe I made it this far. 10 years ago I was just a newbie runner looking for a way to track my long-distance running progress. I figured if I posted about my workouts and running updates, it would help hold me accountable. I ended up ...
9 Year Blogiversary
Nine years ago, I started a blog. I had never done anything like this before, but my friend had just started one and convinced me to do it. I had just gotten into distance running and was training for my first half marathon. I had a theory, that if I blogged about my training, it would be a great ...