Oh friends. I did it again. Every year it seems that this sneaks up on me. As of Sunday, I have been blogging for SIX year! Every year I go back and read that first post. I want to edit it SO badly but I leave it alone on purpose just to show how far I have come. If you have been reading for ...
5 Years of Blogging
Well, my 5 year blogiversary snuck up on me! That’s right, I have been doing this gig since November of 2009. What makes me laugh, is in that first post I mention at the top that I am not very good at this blogging thing and that I didn’t think anyone was reading it. Oh my, if only I had ...
Four Year Blogiversary
WOW! On November 15th 2009, I wrote my first blog post. Back then, I was still Running With Sass, and not only starting out on my blogging journey, but also on my running journey. January 2010, my first race expo! I say this a lot, but if you had told me four years ago I would blog nearly ...
Three Year Blogiversary
WOW. I can’t believe I have been blogging for three years. It’s so funny how something can not be a part of your life at all, and then in a blink of an eye it becomes so important and special to you, that you can’t imagine NOT doing it! Check out my one and two year blogiversary posts, ...
Blogiversary Number 2
Two years ago today, I posted my first every blog post. A year ago, I celebrated my one year blogiversary. I cannot believe it has been two whole years since I first opened my life up for the world to read. What started as an accountability journal has blossomed into what I never thought ...