Morning! We had a wild but good weekend visiting my family down in Louisiana. The drive down was fine, and Emma Kate did great. My dad grilled steaks for dinner, and we just hung out at the house. Saturday morning, I went for an eight mile run in my parents neighborhood. I got started around 7:45, ...
Emma Kate: Month 21
I can’t believe it. Emma Kate is officially 3 months shy of turning 2 years old! As I stated when she turned one, I would do quarterly updates on how she is doing, and it’s time for another one. Things have changed quite a bit since EK was 18 months old. She now says tons of words, and has ...
Father’s Day Weekend 2016
Oh what a weekend! This one was one for the books my friends. We went to my parents house for Father’s Day plus my cousin was having her 50th birthday party at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans on Friday night. Of course we weren’t going to miss that! It was adults only so we left little miss thing ...
Birthday Weekend Recap
Today is Bobby’s 33rd birthday! We spent the weekend at my parents house and surprised him with a cake and some family and friends came over to BBQ, too. Saturday morning I went with my mom to visit a friend of hers in the hospital, and we grabbed coffee together while the boys watched ...
Memorial Day Weekend Recap
I know I usually do my weekend recap on Monday, but because of the holiday I decided to lump it all into the “weekend” even though I had to work yesterday. Saturday morning I got up and went for a run in my favorite neighborhood. When I arrived there were SO many cars and I forgot it was the ...
A Petting Zoo, Painting Project Kind of Weekend
This weekend did not suck. We were again blessed with great weather, and my parents decided to come into town Thursday afternoon. We picked up Emma Kate from daycare and went to the third week of Swing into Summer. Except this week trumped all, because they had a petting ...