Happy Monday all! We had a “cool front” come through and it made for a GORGEOUS weekend in the 70’s. Unheard of for Mississippi in May, but I’m not complaining. On Saturday morning, I got up at 5:15 to go run 6 miles. I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, but when I was done I was so glad I got ...
Time Marches On
On Sunday, our church had it’s senior recognition during the service Bobby and I attend. They did a great job (they had a video play while each student brought a rose to their parents), and our pastor preached a great sermon geared towards the high school seniors. I was admittedly a little ...
Snowballs, Sweet Tea, and Sunny Days
Happy Monday! We had a great weekend and I hope that you did, too. We drove to south Louisiana to visit my parents for the weekend and it went by way too fast! My dad had foot surgery back in March which left him unable to walk on his foot for about 6 weeks, and now he is in a boot and allowed to ...
Day in the Life: April 2016
It’s been three months since I wrote a “day in the life” post, so I thought it was high time to do it again. I think these are so fun and enjoy giving a glimpse into how quickly my world changes! I have tried to be more purposeful lately with my time, and organizing things, schedules, etc. and it ...
Family Weekend
We had a blast this weekend and I was so sad for it to be over! On top of gorgeous weather, my parents came up for a visit on Thursday morning and stayed until Saturday. They met us up at the shop and we went out to lunch (Emma Kate was at daycare). Then My mom, dad and I went back to the house ...
5 Things Friday XIV
It’s Fri-yay! I hope you are all having a great day, and enjoy the weekend. We are having beautiful spring weather here (sorry you folks up north in the seasons that are very confused right now). Here are your 5 Things Friday! 1.) Giveaway: Today is the LAST DAY to enter my Shabby Apple gift card ...