Good morning! happy July 2! We are now officially in my BIRTHDAY MONTH! So who watched the Olympic Gymnastics team trials last night? I have been watching men’s and women’s since Thursday, I’m hooked! I think the selection committee got it right for ladies gymnastics. I loved seeing the ...
Family Time
Sometimes it’s just nice to go home by myself (with the pups) and see my mom and dad. I had somewhere to be in my parents hometown yesterday, so me and the girls drove in for one night. Good for my mental health sometimes. I got to hang out with my parental unit, and they took me to dinner ...
Be Your Own Advocate
Monday already?! I hope your weekend was a good one. Mine flew by as usual. We visited my parents because we went to a youth group reunion at my church. Our old youth pastor, who moved away my junior year, was coming into town and we had a reunion for all the youth that were in the church ...
Memorial Day Weekend in Pictures
Good morning! I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend. I am tired but had a great time, so I am just going to share a few photos from my weekend. I would really love for you to go check out yesterdays post on leaking what you love though, so be sure to check it out! BBQ ...
Back Home
I love going back to my hometown to visit my family. It’s always like I never left, and and hanging out with my parents is always a treat. I came to get the dogs groomed and bring them for a visit to grandma and grandpa’s house (my parents, of course). I dropped my babies off at Petsmart ...
Holiday Wrap Up
Well friends, it’s January. Christmas is over, decorations will come down tomorrow. It’s 2012, so time to move on and get MOVING! But, before we do that, a few things to wrap up: Ortholite Giveaway Winners: Amy Lisa Heidi Ladies, Congrats! Please e mail me at ...