Last workout recap of February! 2014 is really flying by. I can’t believe it’s nearly spring, we have green grass growing and it is getting up to 75 today! Spring weather truly lifts my mood, and I have wanted to spend every spare second outside the past couple of days. The dogs have really ...
Let’s Move! Talk With the White House
Yesterday I had the privilege of joining in a call with the White House! I was honored to hear Sam Kass, the executive director of Let’s Move! talk about the fourth anniversary of Let’s Move, which the First Lady is very involved in. She was in Miami this week talking with a parks and ...
Weekly Workout Recap: February Week 2 2014
Who is working off chocolate from Valentine’s Day? I was actually really good and just had a couple pieces (which are actually leftovers from Christmas, yikes!) The gym has been SO HOT I have dreaded the treadmill, but it was also in the low 30’s so I didn’t want to go outside. I managed to get ...
Weekly Workout Recap: February 2014 Week 1
This past week was a little better than the last, but not by much. I attempted a 2 mile run early in the week and my back still had a twinge in it so I didn’t run again until Saturday. The good news, it is feeling SO much better now. Let the normal running resume for uh….a week? Before Princess? ...
Biggest Loser Win?
I have been an avid watcher of the Biggest Loser for many, many years. There were a lot of days that I would watch the show and get my butt to the gym asap to workout. If they can do it, so can I. I love the trainers, and I especially love how they take the time to get to the ROOT of the problem. ...
December Goals 2013
Ah the month we all panic because we haven’t reached our New Year’s resolutions. Always makes me giggle. More on that NEXT month, but for this month I have a few small goals I would like to accomplish. Bella and I last Thanksgiving 1.) Read 4 magazines. This sounds so silly but y’all, I ...