Picture this: You're at the beach, strutting your stuff, when suddenly you’re called upon to save a frisbee from its oceanic doom. You lunge, you leap, and…ouch. Instead of being the frisbee’s hero, you’re left clutching your back in agony. Why? Core strength, my friends, or rather, the ...
Self-Care Hacks for Increasingly Frazzled Moms
Nobody said being a parent was easy, but they also never said it would be this hard! At times life can feel overwhelming, and this can weigh heavy on your mind in a lot of ways. For modern mothers, there are so many reasons to take the time to look after yourself, and this is something you need to ...
Exercise Tips for A Busy Schedule
We all know that exercise is good for us. The reason many of us refrain from exercise is because we simply don’t have the time to plan a workout (or we think we don't!) Commitments like work and kids and household chores can take up most of our day, so we need some exercise tips! When we do get a ...
A Word for 2023
I like picking a word for the year because it forces me to sit down and really think about what I want to accomplish and focus on for the year ahead. It gives me an opportunity to be honest with myself and look at my flaws, failures, and shortcomings which, let's face it...isn't really fun. But I ...
10 Tips for Staying Safe While Running
When the news that Eliza Fletcher was kidnapped, attacked, and killed while on a morning run broke, it rocked me. She lived in my state. She was a runner. She had kids and a husband. She ran the same Disney races that I love. How could this happen? Questions, feelings, and fears raced through my ...
10 Tips to Train Your Family’s Brain
The human brain is a complex organ that controls all of the activities of the body. It also plays an important role in learning and memory. In order to ensure that your family's brain stays healthy and functioning at its best, you should take some time to train it! There are many different ways to ...