When you are in a position of having to move, or move home, it is the kind of experience that can be very stressful. Even if you are not hoping or wanting to move at the moment, it can be necessary at some point or another, so it's always good to be prepared. You want everything to go as smoothly as ...
Tips for Packing to Move
We moved to Tennessee last summer, and I can honestly say I hope we are in this house for a hot minute, because packing and moving is so exhausting and stressful! Since Bobby and I have been married (16 years), we have moved 6 times, so I would like to think I have learned a thing or two! I thought ...
How to Make Sure Your House Move Goes Smoothly
Buying a new house is one of the most stressful things a family can do. Even once youโve gone through all of the hard work of finding a property and making the purchase, you still have the dreaded house move to work through. While moving to a new house is always going to mean a busy ...
Montgomery’s Moving to Knoxville
Hello friends! Long time no post, I know. Working full time plus doing my influencer work plus packing has been a lot. Hopefully once we get settled I can get back in the swing of things and be more consistent on the blog. I wanted to give a quick run down because while I did mention on IG that we ...
Stress Free Tips When Moving With Children
Are you currently thinking about relocating or already in the process of moving to a different house? It can be such a stressful time and it can seem even more stressful when you have small children to whom you have to move as well. We have now moved 3 times since we have had Emma Kate, and I have ...
Moving With Children Without Losing Your Mind
As much as we do love them, thereโs no denying that kids can succeed in making a situation a lot more stressful when we could really use the easy win. We have moved more than one with Emma Kate, and it has definitely not been my favorite. Moving day can be demanding enough, but when you have someone ...