Handling adversity is something I have really been trying to work on. (Along with patience.) Adversity is one of those things in life we will all face. ALL. No matter how rich, skinny, pretty, smart, or hardcore you are, it will come into your life in some fashion. The key is not to figure ...
Every Little Bit…
Good morning! Exciting news, I found out yesterday we close on our new home February 18!!! OMG! Less than two weeks! We are working out the logistics now with the bank, movers, etc. So many phone calls! I can’t wait to get in there and decorate and share pictures! When I was interviewed for the ...
The Dangers of Running
Most of you are probably going "huh? running is good for you? how is it dangerous?" Well, if you don't run, I am here to tell you, be careful, it can be hazardous to your health! Let me give you some examples: Dogs. yes dogs. We have a leash law in our neighborhood, but does that stop people from ...