Despite what some people suggest, there’s no easy hack to becoming fit and healthy. It takes time and effort. Trying to rush things can lead to overtraining, which will hinder your goals. However, there are some ways to improve the effectiveness of your workouts so that you can make sure you aren't ...
September 2016 Goals
I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day weekend! We had Emma Kate’s birthday party on Saturday, but more on that later this week. Today I wanted to talk about my September goals, and how I did in August. First, let’s look back at last month: 1.) Finish that darn upstairs closet: A- I still have ...
5 Fall Races in the Southeast
I am in the middle of my fall half marathon training plan, and I have heard many others say that they are beginning to ramp up their mileage as well. For us here in the south, half marathon and marathon season is VERY short. It won’t really start cooling down here until October, and most distances ...
8 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Run
Let’s be real here. There are some days that I wake up and the last thing I want to do is go for a run. I have a million excuses I have used, ranging from the weather to a busy schedule to not feeling well. However, nine times out of ten, my excuses are not legitimate, and I just need a little push ...
Falling Off the Training Wagon
The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. Between spending five days in Oklahoma, and then coming home and taking over the local Orange Leaf, it has left little time for running. I am really frustrated by this, because when I chose my fall half marathon training plan, I was DETERMIND to stick with ...
Rock ‘N Blog Training Swag
A couple of weeks ago, I got a a great surprise in the mail: a box of training swag from the Rock’ N Roll marathon series. (#TrainingRockBox) I am a part of the Rock ‘N Blog team again this year, and it just keeps getting better and better! I am a huge fan of the series, and have run in several ...