Hey guys! I have had some people ask me if I would compile all of my links to my most recent social media tip posts into one post so that you don't have to click all over the place to find them, so here you go. A condensed post with links to all four of the social media tip posts which cover each ...
My Top Twitter Tips
Some people recently have been wanting to shy away from Twitter and say it's not a valid platform anymore, but I totally disagree. Not only is my following continuing to grow, but I have gotten several Twitter only paid campaigns from brands, gotten paid to host and participate in twitter chats, and ...
Follow Me!
So, did February sneak up on anybody else? We are officially in the month of love…and my least favorite month of the year. February is usually gloomy and cold, and I am always itching for March. This year though, February is a FUN month because I am running Disney’s Princess half marathon! ...
Making Friends
When you were a kid, you made friends at school or in your neighborhood by sharing a swing on the playground, or biding bikes down your street. Now that we are adults, we still need to interact and make friends. I don’t know about you, but I don’t swing all that much anymore, but one thing ...