It’s the last month of the year! (Insert happy and sad face all at the same time.) Did you make any big goals for the year? How are you doing with them? What about your November goals? Am I asking enough questions? I’m going to be honest, with the move last month, I didn’t have much time for ...
House Photos Part 1
I have been getting questions about the house, and because I can’t do a lot at once it is taking a long time to get unpacked. Things still aren’t exactly like I want them, but the main rooms are presentable enough to give you a peek at the space with some house photos. The thing that drew me to ...
Moving Madness
Oh yes my friends, madness it was! We arrived at the new house early yesterday morning when the movers got there, to find out the air conditioning had not been officially turned on for the first time so we had no air. This may not be a big deal for some, but in August, in Mississippi, it was brutal. ...
The Return of the Smoothie
Another week has begun! Sadly, it’s not a sunny one here. It is gloomy and HUMID. 99% to be exact. YUCK! I want to go run, but I also would like to be able to breathe thank you! I do plan on getting out there this evening with Bobby after he gets home from work, so I will do my 6 pack in 6 ...
I Will do One Thing Today
It’s Friday eve! I hope you are having a good one. It’s cloudy here, but going to be 80 again. I woke up at 7:00, saw my husband off to work, and then sat down in front of the TV with my coffee. I sat…and I sat...and I sat. You would think I have nothing to do, right? Wrong. I have PLENTY to ...