This post is sponsored by Sivan Social. All comments and opinions are my own. Verizon Wireless is a brand my family has used on and off over the years. We love their customer service, great coverage, and I love that they have prepaid plans! With family scattered all over the country, we talk and ...
Learning the Ropes of Windows Phone 8X
As I mentioned in a post recently, I was asked again to be an ambassador for Verizon Wireless, this time getting the Windows 8X phone by HTC, and an Otterbox. This phone was a bit overwhelming at first because it is different than anything I have had before in a phone. However, as a ...
Stay Connected
I am a bit obsessed with being connected to social media, texts, phone calls, etc. This is a blessing and a curse I know, but it is also part of my two jobs. I was chosen to return as a Verizon Wireless ambassador, and I am so excited to share some new info, tips, and tricks about my brand ...
Headed on Out
Morning friends! I am headed on out to New Orleans today for the Jazz half marathon! I ran this race in 2010 and really love it, and can’t wait to do it again, even if I am not in the best shape/health, it will still be a blast. New Orleans is an awesome place to race and I love this one not ...
Blogging Made Easier
Blogging takes up a LOT of time. First there is the blogging itself, research, picture taking, then there is social media presence, answering e-mails, etc. I absolutely love all the things that blogging brings, but if my computer or internet and phone speed are not working with me, it can ...
Safely Go
I love being connected to the world (and have to be for work), therefore I love my cell phone. I keep it with me at all times, much to my husband’s annoyance, and constantly check my e mail, calls, and texts. While this is fine most of the time, while I am driving it is NOT ok. Did you know ...