Overall health and wellness tips: 1.) Drink Water: I have harped on this several times on my blog, but water is SO important yall! It helps keep our bodies running smoothly, helps flush out toxins, clears our skin, and keeps us feeling full when we want to grab a snack. I shoot for eight glasses ...
Running Day + Water Day
As most of you probably know, yesterday was national running day. Even though I did a tough speed work session Tuesday night, I of course had to run yesterday. But not before hanging out with this cutie yesterday morning. She is getting more and more mobile by the day. She isn’t full out crawling ...
How to Trick Yourself Into Staying Hydrated
Hello all of you Running with Sass Readers. My name is Stefanie, I hail from a blog called Run On (http://run-on-riot.blogspot.com). I am here today to talk about hydration, my Labrador Winston will be helping me. You’ll see him a little later. Or not…He’s pushy like that. No matter what your ...