I am a numbers nerd. I love knowing my times, paces, distances, and the like. I am also a tech nerd, and love checking out the latest and greatest technology. The Timex Ironman One GPS+ watch is definitely for a techy numbers girl like me. You had me at touch screen, my friend.
This watch has so many cool features that it took me awhile of exploring and playing with it to learn everything, but I think I have a pretty good handle on it now. So, let’s start with the basics:
-Phone-free connectivity with AT&T (first year is free)
-Ability to track speed, distance and pace in real-time and instantaneously
-share performance metrics via apps like Run Keeper, Strava, etc.
-Always-on, sunlight readable Qualcomm® Mirasol™ display for easy reading
-Tracking capabilities that include a custom-built safety solution
-Built-in MP3 component that stores and plays music via your bluetooth headphones. It includes 4GB of storage right on your watch!
-Send messages to people in your contacts list, and have new messages displayed right on your device
Did I mention it is water resistant up to 50 meters and can communicate your location to family and friends via an SOS if you are in trouble?
Without the GPS on the watch can last 72 hours as a stand alone watch, and up to eight hours with all of the cool functions being used.
As I mentioned before I had to consult the online user guide for a couple of things and get the hang of a touch screen GPS watch, but now I’m really liking it! My only two issues I have noticed so far is that the touch screen isn’t sensitive enough sometimes and I have to hit it a couple times before it reads my touch, and the watch itself is kind of big. I totally get why, I mean who would want an itty bitty touch screen, but just thought it was worth mentioning. Once I start running I hardly notice the size/weight though, and the pros by far outweigh these two minor things.
If you are like me and you love geeking out over the latest and coolest gadgets, then this product is something you should check out. It is far more advanced than any GPS watch I have ever owned, and the safety features make me feel much better about running alone than with other watches I have. If you have any questions, I would love to try to answer them for you!
QOTD: what is your favorite feature in this watch? What is your favorite thing about GPS watches in general?
This post is sponsored by FitFluential.

Sounds like a really great watch! I love the SOS feature!
Me too!
I do not need. I want want want 🙂
Sounds awesome! I love the SOS feature..and the touch screen!
I love mine. I just took it out for a 20 miler yesterday–and sadly, I needed to use the messaging to have my hubs come and pick me up. I am SO glad I had that feature.. not sure what I would have done. I’m very happy with it!
Great feedback! I was curious about this watch and you gave a great description of the pros and cons.
That’s a pretty awesome watch! Good to know the size and weight didn’t bother you. I was concerned about that myself when I saw it!
I’m really loving my One GPS+. It does everything and I’m still learning all the features. The touchscreen is definitely my favorite!
A couple years ago I went basic with my GPS because I didn’t think I needed the fancy stuff anymore. I think this watch is making me change my mind 🙂