Wow it’s been awhile since I have done a RWS Feature! Time to bring them back, since there are so many amazing bloggers to highlight! But first, what’s everyone doing this weekend? I will be watching football, working, cleaning, you know the usual. This past week flew by because I was so ...
Disneyland Day 1 Part 2
I left off my last Disneyland recap with lunch at Carnation Cafe which I highly recommend. You may be wondering why I only ate a bowl of soup for lunch, but don’t worry it was all a part of my master plan. I wanted to save room for dessert…not just any dessert, a Dole whip! It was ...
Shoe Woes Update and Childhood Sports Ramblings
Thank you to everyone who gave advice and sympathy yesterday on my blog post. Today I decided to vlog with a follow up, as well as chat about playing childhood sports and ask YOU a question at the end. (Cute puppy makes an appearance too. She’s very very sneaky!) Hope that helps further ...
Running Shoe Woes
Oy. Back to square one. I seem to have a slight issue finding shoes to run in. No, I am not here asking for what kind I should run in, I know everyone has a unique foot and should be fitted at a running store, and I have done this twice. I seem to be a special case because of my foot injury ...
ZOOMA Here I Come
Awhile back, I heard that the ZOOMA race series was going to be unveiling a new race location. I pretty much stalked their website, hoping that it would be somewhere in the south. I was surprised when my wish came true, and the newest race was announced for Amelia Island, Florida, and would ...
Disneyland Half Marathon Race Recap
Back many months ago when my husband gave me the very surprising green light to register us for the Disneyland half marathon, it seemed so far away. Then, it somehow managed to sneak up on me, and at a very inopportune time. If you have been following my blog for awhile you know I have been ...