After a one year runDisney hiatus due to pregnancy, I will be running the 2015 runDisney Princess half marathon!
Yall, I love this race so much, and I am so glad it falls to where it will be my first post baby runDisney half marathon! When I ran the Glass Slipper Challenge this past year, I was nine weeks pregnant and VERY sick. Not to the fault of runDisney, but I was miserable. I ran the 5k as well, so three early mornings plus morning sickness does not equal a good time.
I may be smiling on the outside, but….
I am ready for a redemption race in 2015, and to have a lot of fun. I will NOT be doing the Glass Slipper Challenge, I decided that running just the half marathon a few months after baby will be plenty for me, then I can spend more time hanging out and relaxing and not as much time waking up early and being exhausted.
Looking for a little motivation and excitement to get you ready? Check out these past blog posts I have written about Princess:
Princess half marathon race tips
I will most likely be bringing baby M, so I hope some of you get to meet her!
P.S. The half, 10k, and glass slipper challenge are sold out, you the 5k is still open for registration as of today!
QOTD: So, who got in yesterday? What races are you running? Do you wish you were going?
For more info on rundisney events, be sure to check out

I’m soooooo excited. Why is it 7mos away?!
Gah! 7 months away makes me nervous b/c I have such a long way to go!
Wish, wish, wish I was going! But since I have no clue where I will be living in February, I thought it best not to register. 🙂
Good luck with the race! Can’t wait to hear how you do training and in the race. I didn’t start running until way after my kids were born. Now training for my first half in September.
oh fun good luck!
I wish I could do it but I already have on my calendar the Wine and Dine for 2015 (pre-planning)! I really hope that I don’t have to wait 2 years all the time to do a Disney race though! They are AWESOME!
I REALLY want to do wine and dine 2015! So bummed I’m missing it this year
That’s great, Heather! This past year was my first PHM (I did the Glass Slipper Challenge) and I LOVED it, too. Can’t wait to go back in 2015.
Glad you enjoyed!
How wonderful Heather! I think PHM weekend will be the perfect time for your little princess to visit WDW!
I agree!
I so wish I could run this race! It’s during our busy time at work though : ( Plus I’ll be doing the marathon the month before. Can I just live vicariously through you?
haha sure, if I can live through you for marathon weekend!
I’m so sad it sold out so fast! I wasn’t on top of it! I’ll have to wait till the next year! I can’t justify flying down for the 5k 🙁
I’m excited that you’ll get to run it!!
I’m so sorry! 🙁
My hubby signed me up for the half during the early AP registration. Last year’s was my first ever half and my first runDisney event. Looking forward to the craziness again!
that’s great! I love it!
Awesome! Will this be Baby M’s first trip to WDW as well?
Exciting!!!! What a perfect week for Baby M to visit Walt Disney World! So excited for you too
I got lucky enough to get in the Glass Slipper Challenge. It was stressful but I got in. I’m hoping to earn the pink coast to coast in 2015 bit we will see how that registration goes! I hope we don’t have the same issues we had with Active trying to register for Tink next month!
I hope I get to meet your baby come February & I hope this Princess race weekend goes better for you than the last.
I love my pink coast to coast! It’s one of my favorite medals.
Can’t wait!! Eeeekkkk!
I’m signed up for the Glass Slipper Challenge! It’s my first official one…even though I ran the 10K and Half during Marathon weekend but there just wasn’t an official challenge. I’m excited to get the extra medal!!! 🙂
DIAPER DASH!!! i can’t wait!!!
Haha unfortunately baby M will only be 4.5 months old so a little to young to diaper dash this time
I ran the princess at 12 weeks pregnant and then when my baby was 5 months. It was the shortest training I had done for a race but it was really nice to have something for me post baby. I’m in for GSC this year it will be my first challenge and I’m super excited.
I’m a GSC runner for 2015! Hope to see you there!
I really want to run the Princess half one day! What a great post-baby workout motivator!
Sign up was so stressful! Is it always like that? I got into the Glass Slipper Challenge though and I’m so excited! It’s my first runDisney event.
in the past couple years yes it has gotten stressful!
So I will be running that as my FIRST 1/2 marathon! I am super pumped! And terrified. Any advice?
try searching my blog I have a few beginner tips and runDisney tips!
Exciting!!! I’m registered for the half marathon as well- this will be my first 🙂 I hope I get to see you and say hi to a fellow blogger and runner!
yes! say hi if you see me!
how exciting!!
I will be running the 5k and glass slipper challenge (after doing Dopey and Rebel challenge) so I will definitely be re-reading your posts about all of the races before it is time. Im so excited already!
I can’t wait to live the excitement of Princess weekend through and everybody else running it! I wish we were in a position for me to have registered yesterday, but there’s just too much other stuff going on right now. It was tough to make the “right” decision, but Princess will be there for me to run someday!
Awesome!! Congrats on getting in! I love PHM weekend and as much as I wish I could go next year, I am so excited about doing the Dopey Challenge!
My sister and I signed up for the PHM! It will be our first RunDisney race and we are so excited for it. My question is what resorts are the best to stay at for the race?
all the resorts are host resorts, so it really just depends on how much you want to spend!
Yay! Congrats, Heather! I’m taking this year off from runDisney races too and can’t wait to run at WDW again. I’m doing the GSC, deferred from this year.
Thats awesome!!! I love reading all of your race recaps as well. It gets me pumped for our upcoming trip to Disney! Running my first full there in January!
you will love it!
I got in! So excited for this race (and to read all your recaps!). Love the outfits…lots of great ideas!
Your outfits are all so cute! I really wanted to run it again next year (this year’s was my first half marathon ever!) but it’s too much for me to fly down from our new place in Alaska. Maybe 2016! Do you have a costume picked out for the race yet?
not yet, but I’m sure it will involve a tutu 😉
It was nice to finally meet you in person at PHM… based on what you said about not feeling well, you always had a smile… best wishes with the new addition!
thank you 🙂
Just found your site today! Can’t wait to read more tips and recaps (I’ve already read a few). I’ve been a WDW fan for 24+ years and a runner for 16 – finally I’ll get to combine the two at the 2015 GSC (plus 5K). Congratulations on Baby M! Keep those tips coming!
Thank you for reading! You will love runDisney!
I managed to register for the Glass Slipper! This will be my first half marathon, and I’m beyond excited it will be a runDisney run. I did the Tower of Terror 10 miler last year and had so much fun!
I also have a potentially silly (or too much information?) question for you: you wear spaghetti strap type tanks a lot, but I never see big, bulky bra straps under. I still haven’t found “the” sports bra, and was wondering what you wear to run in?
IN those photos I have layered a strappy top and strappy tank from One is a sports bra with removable pads, and the other is the tank with a built in bra and removable pads. Together the two are enough support for me! 🙂