Bobby and I woke up and hit the gym before driving to my parents how for a little 4th of July BBQ. We had to drop the dogs off with them since we are going to the beach today! My dad already had the grill fired up, and we had a delicious lunch. I wore my flag shoes I wear once a year. We ...
Beach update + Another Duathlon
Good morning! So sad a week ago I was in Georgia having a blast. Time really does fly when you’re having fun. Speaking of Saturday, next Saturday we leave for the BEACH! Yes, every summer we go to Destin because Bobby has an annual bar conference and has to take continuing legal education classes to ...
Getting Back to Normal
Hurricane Isaac hit back at the end of August, but what people may not realize is that things aren’t quite back to normal for some people around here, but everyone is doing this best to get back to the way things were. I was reminded of this yesterday morning when Bobby and I headed down to ...
Beach Trip Part 4
Good morning friends! Before we get started, don’t forget to enter my Good Gear giveaway and like Good Gear on Facebook if you would like. This gear is so so soft, you don’t want to miss out! This installment of my trip report will wrap up our time at the beach, and then I will be sure to ...
Beach Trip 2012: Part 3
We left off part 2 of the trip after our amazingly fun day relaxing at the beach and playing some volleyball. Unfortunately, we had to be up bright and early Monday morning so Bobby could be at his conference for 8:00. We ate breakfast together before he left, and then I gathered my things ...
Beach Trip 2012 Part 2
If you missed part one of our beach trip, be sure to read it first then come back for today’s post. I left off after our first night at the beach. We woke up Sunday morning excited for an entire day of fun in the sun and the sand. We ate breakfast out on the patio, and then lathered up the ...