OtterBox has saved my phone many times and has asked me to share my experiences while telling you about their awesome cases. All opinions are my own. I will admit it. I am obsessed with my mobile phone. It’s constantly in my hand due to work commitments, and I am on social media a lot. Due to ...
Cell phone
Samsung Galaxy S3 Favorites
Now that I have had my Samsung Galaxy S3 for awhile, I wanted to give an update on some of my favorite things (cue Sound of Music singing song “My Favorite Things”). You may have seen some of the features on commercials the past couple weeks, they are quite amusing an I applaud Samsung for ...
Friday Favorites: Galaxy S Vibrant
GGGOOODDDD morning friends! I hope everyone is having a great day so far. I am super excited because I have a fun filled race weekend ahead of me! That’s right, Sunday Bobby and I are running the Mardi Gras Rock n Roll half marathon with some friends who are coming in town today! They are ...