2014 was quite the eventful year, starting from the very beginning. At the beginning of January, Bobby and I set out on a crazy adventure to run the Dopey Challenge in WDW. For those who don’t know what it is, here is the short version: 5k Thursday, 10k Friday, half marathon Saturday, full marathon ...
emma kate
Lately…December 2014
December is such a busy (but fun) month. Here is a peek into what we have been up to lately at the Montgomery house! Decorating for Christmas Getting lots of smiles from this little girl Going on runs preparing for the Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans half marathon. Dressing ...
Emma Kate: Month Two
Guess who turned two months old on Monday? Crazy right?!? The first few weeks went by SO SLOW at times as I waited for her to get out of the newborn-crying-for-no-reason stage, and the needing to eat every two hour stage, day and night. Emma Kate has changed SO much in just a month’s time I don’t ...
Christmas Decorating 2014
We decided to decorate our house for Christmas a week early this year since my parents are coming in town for Thanksgiving and I’m not sure if they will be back before Christmas. Of course it was cold all last week, but warm the day we decorated, it was typical Mississippi weather for you. Not very ...
Photo Dump November 2014
Apparently my phone refuses to backup because my storage is full, so I did one of the things I for some reason dislike doing (time consuming? Not sure?) and dumped my photos off of my phone, so I thought I would share some with you that haven’t made it onto the blog or Instagram (I don’t ...
Emma Kate’s Newborn Photos: By Destiny Tillery
When I was six months pregnant, I started looking around for photographers for Emma Kate’s newborn pictures. I haven’t had professional photos done since our wedding, we had the best wedding photographers in nyc. It’s just not something we typically spend money on. However, I knew I wanted newborn ...