Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I hope you all have the opportunity to spend some time with the people that you love. I am hosting again this year and my parents and sister are coming into town. I won’t be posting tomorrow or Friday, because I want to spend time with my family (and so should you! Go ...
Pre-Thanksgiving Weekend
Baby it’s cold outside! We had our first freeze last night, and it dipped into the 20’s (for you northern folk that’s a big deal for Mississippi, yall!) Anyway, we had a good weekend but now it’s time to get ready for turkey day! We will be hosting at my house, and judging by the current state of my ...
6 Year Blogiversary
Oh friends. I did it again. Every year it seems that this sneaks up on me. As of Sunday, I have been blogging for SIX year! Every year I go back and read that first post. I want to edit it SO badly but I leave it alone on purpose just to show how far I have come. If you have been reading for ...
Five Things Friday VI
1.) I’M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD! We begin our drive today and will arrive at the house of the mouse tomorrow morning for my mom’s one wish for her 60th birthday. Can’t wait for this fun girls trip with mom and her friend! 2.) We had a retake of some of Emma Kate’s one year old pictures on ...
Fall Fun
Happy Monday! We had a fun filled weekend with amazing weather down here in Mississippi, and I’m so sad it’s all over. I wish the temperature would stay like this forever! On Saturday morning, my dad drove up here early to hang out with us. There is an annual car show here in Madison, and we decided ...
Five Things Friday V
Happy almost weekend everyone! I’m excited for this one because my dad is coming into town tomorrow, and Sunday evening is our fall festival at church. Going to be a fun one. Here are 5 things for you today. 1.) Poor Emma Kate has ANOTHER ear infection. I took her yesterday, and the doctor said ...