Walt Disney World vacations are magical and fun, and should obviously be documented with lots of picture taking. The problem is, if you go in without a plan of what Disney World photos you want to take, you may forget or miss out, and not have great shots to look back on and remember your trip. I ...
November 2019 Photo Dump
Yall, I have been really bad about transferring photos from my phone to my computer. I back everything up with Amazon photos, but then don't save them to my laptop which is a huge #Fail. So I am trying to do better, and decided to share some snaps from November with you that may not have made it ...
My “Big Girl” Camera
Several years ago, I bought a “big girl camera”, so that I could take better vacation photos and blog photos. Sadly, with the new technology of camera phones and the use of filters, it hasn’t been as important to use an amazing camera as it used to be (or so I thought.) That and well, I was just ...
Five Things Friday IV
Friday again? Already? This week flew by! We are insanely boring so we have no plans for the weekend but football and church, however the next three weekends will be crazy so this will be a nice rest before the madness! Here are this week’s five things Friday: 1.) I went back to the outlet mall ...
Photo Dump August 2015
My iPhone keeps telling me that I don’t have any more storage space, so I figured it was time to dump my beloved pictures onto my computer, while trying to decide which ones to keep on my phone (anyone else have this problem?) I thought I would share some of my favorites with you. Most are of my ...
Selfie Stick Thoughts
Happy Boston Monday! One of the fun things about being part of the running/blogger community is that I “know” so many people running today. Some I have met in real life, and some only online, but I still support them anyway and am so excited for them today! I can’t believe it’s been just over a ...