Disclosure: I was provided with the below experiences to write about being active at Walt Disney world however, all opinions are my own. When you think of Walt Disney World, images of Mickey Mouse, thrilling rides, and enchanting princesses likely come to mind. However, amidst the magic and ...
5 Reasons Runners Should Try Yoga
Running is one of the best exercises you can do to improve your physical fitness and cardiovascular health. People who love running outdoors get the added benefit of fresh air and also reconnecting with nature. Even with all those benefits, running is a high-impact exercise, so it’s essential not to ...
Under Armour Visit Part 4: My Yoga Attempt
Hey guys! Be sure to catch up on parts one, two, and three of my trip before reading today’s post! We left off with our amazing dinner out in Baltimore before heading to bed. We woke up bright and early for another jam packed day of fun, starting with some rooftop yoga. Now, if you know ...
RWS Features #46
Happy Weekend! I hope you all get to enjoy the long weekend and don’t have to work too much! I am sure I will be working some on Monday but hopefully not on Tuesday. Any exciting New Year’s plans? LSU is playing in the Chic Fil A bowl so I can’t wait for that! A fun announcement, I was ...
There’s More to Running than Running…
Hey there! If you don't know me - and let's face it - I'm relatively new to this blogging thing so you probably don't yet :). I'm Alyssa from FunFitFashionable, a Pennsylvania native interested in everything health and fitness related, and living an all around healthy and balanced life. ...
My Fitness Bucket List
You hear a lot of people talking about bucket lists. They may include things like skydiving, visit a certain country, learn a foreign language, or take a painting class. My bucket list seems to revolve around a lot of fitness related activities, so why not have one JUST for health and ...