Good morning! We are headed down to Orlando today, and had fun spectating at ironman Florida yesterday. My sister survived and did very well, and now we are headed to Disney, because Bobby and I have a race to run next weekend! Let’s take a look at my workouts from this last week. If you ...
RWS Features #42
Hey friends! Guess what? I am in Panama City Beach, FL for Ironman Florida! My sister is racing this morning, and so we are here to cheer her on. It’s been a wild ride so far, first we couldn’t find the condo, then we found it and were very unhappy with the condition of the room we were ...
November Goals 2012
As I said the other day, it seems like October flew by! Which means, it’s time to look at my October goals and see how I did. Below are my October goals: 1.) PR in a half marathon. Grade: C+. Wwweeeeellll we all know what happened with that. First was the gulf coast half and then jazz. If ...
Give Up or Get Up
I have shared a little bit about some of the things that have been going on in my life with you here on RWS, but there are also things I have yet to divulge. Some have been going on awhile and also a couple of “new developments.” I will share when I feel the time is right, but now is not ...
Happy Halloween, and Costume Look Back
*If you participated in the ZOOMA virtual run, in order to be eligible for prizes you must either post a photo to ZOOMA's Facebook page (mention RWS!) or blog about your virtual run and post it to the ZOOMA blog post about the FL kickoff run! October could possibly go on record for being the ...
Disneyland Day 4
*Virtual runners! Don't forget to post a photo from your run on ZOOMA's Facebook page, or write a blog post about it and comment with the link here. Also I would love to know you participated so shoot me an e mail at! We spent the day after the half marathon, Monday, ...