Saturday morning I decided to “sleep in” till 6:00 since the planning team had to be down in the lobby at 7:00 to get ready for the day. A lot of people didn’t make it to registration the night before so we had the tables set up again, plus the sponsors set up and and of course breakfast to ...
HLS 2012: Sunday Run and Boston Fun
Good morning! I am back home and oh it feels so good. Unfortunately, I seem to have taken home a little souvenir, a cold and runny nose. Boo! Either way, still good to be home and sleep in my own bed. In case you have missed my other HLS posts so far, you can check them out here: HLS ...
HLS 2012: Cocktail Party
Friday night was the annual healthy living summit Cocktail party. I had a blast hanging out with old and new friends and of course taking pictures in the photo booth. me and Kelly before the party. People arriving at the party The party was held in a tent connected to the hotel. It ...
Healthy Living Summit 2012: Day 1
; Hi friends! Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day! I am so tired but having a blast! Ok, so let’s backtrack. My morning started off with a solo run along the river. I decided I probably wasn’t going to get up for the Saturday run, so I decided to take on a few miles on my own. Let me tell you, it ...
runDisney 20th Anniversary Medal Reveal
Today is the big day! The official unveiling of the 20th anniversary Disney marathon medal. I hope everyone had fun participating in the great medal caper, I thought it was a really fun and cute way to get the fans involved. Check out this video I created then it’s on to the medal! Please ...
runDisney Surprises
If you are a runDisney fan, you probably already heard about the new(ish) runDisney Twitter account. But, what you may not know is runDisney now has it’s very own YouTube channel. Sweet! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on the fun. So what got all this started? You might remember ...