Holy moly do I feel big. It’s scary to think I still have 2 months to go! How is it possible I will get much bigger than this? There is no more room, gah! This week has been pretty tiring with all the things going on with moving out of our old house. I felt pretty useless because I got tired ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 30
Symptoms: I feel bad complaining but I just feel big and slow and tired. I know it’s just going to get worse, but we just have a lot going on in our lives right now trying to move and get settled, so hopefully once that happens I can rest more (physically and mentally!) and prepare for ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 29
Hello last week of my 20’s (and last year of my 20’s!) Fun fact: I was 28 weeks pregnant at age 28, and 29 weeks pregnant at age 29. How cool is that? It’s the little things. This past week was quite the whirlwind, and not going to lie I have been a little overwhelmed. Still waiting for a few ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 28
Hello third trimester! What a fun milestone to hit. I can confirm that the “honeymoon” phase of the 2nd tri is OVER and I am getting more uncomfortable every day. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful to have no serious complications so far, but I also underestimated back pain, inability to sleep, and ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 27
Last week of the second trimester! If you would have asked me at week 9 that I would get to the third trimester and it would seem to have flown by I would have laughed at you. Time went SO SLOWLY back then! I will be honest and say I feel really unprepared. I have read a couple of books, but other ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 26
So sorry for the late post everyone! We had a great time at the beach, and then headed back to our old house where we have no internet, so I am a little behind with everything. Week 26 has been interesting, I feel like I have hit the uncomfortable 3rd tri a little early. Take a look below. Oh ...